Saturday, May 06, 2023

White dog Black dog


As Saturday's go today was pretty good. We had a great coffee session this morning with our 2 new coffee members. We had a great discussion really do we have coffee sessions ago 2 hours but the it dad to become gone longer but we decided we had to get on with our days. I actually was contemplating something so I really did need to go. Even though the clouds are stacked and ugly is not the warmest it's ever been it's not bad temperature wise in the lower 60° area. I was tough anyway more T-shirt I figure it myself acclimatized. The hot days be here soon enough. The new Guardians started today are actually yesterday but figured I might as well view the flick and be disappointed. I may have to watch the movie again it's just too much special-effects and I get the feeling these guides are just trying too hard to make the movie as good as the 1st. Some things you had to accept especially the characters there's a little character development but you can certainly tell all of them have aged about the tight young guardians that they were. Like I said a lot of special-effects and bizarre creatures and a lot of plot confusion to be anyway as far as what they were trying to do and Who's Who in the zoo and budget other stuff that I just didn't get. Perhaps another viewing might settle at since I have the program maybe I'll take the time to do it again. On a high note and it may not be such a high note that I was informed that I have so many points that I've got a lot of popcorn and free drinks coming should I want that. I usually get the smallest of what I can get small popcorn and a small drink which is really no small drink to medium drink much more than I ever drink when I go to these things. But I did enjoy the time out and following up on Guardians. If I had not have gone I would've always wondered until the movie shows up on streaming on some platform.

I stopped at Harmon's on the way home and got a can of peppers and carrots just so I make sure that I had enough pickled product to get through the weekend. I also picked up and bottle of vegetable juice. I cook tonight, sort of, I made a big pot of rice for next week as well as Sunday but don't do anything else. If nothing else will have rice and sauce and call it good I thought about mixing the can of ground beef with a can of mushroom soup but I'm not ready to take that step yet.

One of the most interesting things of the day was when I went to coffee over at the shop Hidden Peaks the guy with the match dogs will not really matched since one is black and one is white with the both sort of curlyhaired little something something. The place is pretty crowded so I ended up sitting right next to the 2 dogs are really pretty nice. The dogs are well behaved and almost made me miss cinnamon. The owner may, crack about the dogs pull in my chair so I had to recount the incident where cinnamon bolted after a cat while pulling me on the main street of our neighborhood pulling me completely out of my chair when we get the sidewalk. It was good times like I said almost missed the dog.

I realized after I had my dinner of ricin soy sauce that I didn't have snicker bars for my staff next week. So I decided to head back over to the market since the polygamist store was closed for the week. Clouds of come in giant thunderheads threatening the trip over and back. I went to the dollar store for the candy bars worked out just fine a lot cheaper than the regular market. I got sprinkled on coming back not a big deal but still it made me wonder how wise I was. I'm set for the night and the rest of the weekend. Contacted Mark were going to breakfast early as always so maybe I get to bed early… Maybe

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