Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Rice Is Nice

The problem with cooking rice is that it's just so easy to make way more than you need. I just recently within the last year or so have began cooking rice for myself. It's not that I didn't know how to make rice just that I never did really. Dianne made a lot of the rice in our house. You know she's from Louisiana and they make a lot of rice down there. Dianne had her own methodology which is a bit different than what's on the package the diameter is always came out great. It's taken me number of tries to get my rice to the point where it usable for more than one meal. The only problem or one of the only problems I have with rice is that it's so messy at least I make it so messy. Right now I'm using white rice because that was on the giveaway table after food box day last month. Typically on any given food box day piles of rice show up on the table little one-pound packages of white and brown rice. And so couple months ago I decided since I have access to all this rice why not cook it right. So sure enough I did all the things like wash off the rice before I cook at all that kind of stuff. Got the water boiling then dumped in the rice 1 cup brought the water back to boiling thing covered it brought down the summer for 15 minutes and voilà rice nice white cooked rice. It's great the 1st couple of meals. I sometimes play like I'm in Asian and Asian country and rice is about the only thing we have to eat so I make the pot of rice have bowls of rice for dinner with soy sauce. Other times I make stirfry. I could do this pretty good if I go through all the steps: procuring the vegetables and processing the vegetables during the same with whatever meat product I'm going to be using. Sauté the vegetables than adding the rice and I have stirfry and meals for a week.

Tonight, I really didn't want to cook dinner but I had the rice in the refrigerator that I made a couple days ago I figured I'd just make us quick stirfry the kitchens of mass mind you. Gloria my home health person who does a lot of my kitchen cleanup had a accident is not been around for weeks now and it shows. Anyway, chop up the green onions, some really thrashed celery I figure everything cooks out I wish I had some other vegetables but very slim pickings. I picked up 3 Cans of hamburger from the last food bank thing.Cooked hamburger in a can with juices which I think means with all the fat. It's a 1 pound can so I figure that's 1 pound of hamburger. I wasn't sure what I would find when I opened it up and never seeing cooked hamburger canned. But it wasn't half bad I was totally surprised it was all a month keep or glob welded together with “juices” which quickly vanished with the heat was applied. I heated up the hamburger through the vegetables that found a mixed in the rice that I had dinner for tonight for the rest of the week probably. It wasn't half bad I'm thinking I might open a can of mushroom soup and add to the rice like a casserole or make a small casserole on the side maybe freeze the rest of the hamburger rice. I've been trying to restore the kitchen to some form of normality the past couple hours . Wash the coffee cups for tomorrow and even washed the pots and pans I used for dinner and hung the pants back on the rack. I should wipe down the countertops but I doubt I will get to that tonight. I still have to hang the wash. Maybe if I get up early and with a burst of energy I can do some more work on the kitchen before my home health gets her. I always like to have a pot of coffee ready when she gets here she appreciates that. The dining room table also need some help. I pile everything there and it shows now. Gloria could do magic, table…

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