Tuesday, May 23, 2023



Beginnings of an afternoon storm.

There Is nothing I like better during the warm/hot months that the gift of an afternoon storm with everything, wind, thunder, lightning, hail, and rain. I can certainly get into the symbolism of the rainstorm building itself up from a morning of calm delightful happenings do something tremendous by late afternoon or early evening. However, I will not subject you to that. I watch the day develop from early morning, a gift, since I didn't have to go in the Salt Lake today for the advisory board meeting.

I would've liked to stay home today but I need to go across the street to pick up a couple of Snickers bars for my staff for Wednesday and Friday. She says snickers are her favorite my goals to keep my staff happy because of my staff's happy I'm happy. I know this sounds brutally selfish but will can I say I like my days to go smoothly. I also got a bottle of Clorox spray for the shower and toilet and see more carrots and jalapeno peppers. Go to have to start weaning myself off this latest addiction going through way too many cans of sliced peppers and carrots. I just can't seem to get enough of them. I have started adding green beans however whether their cut short or French style they had a great flavor to my morning drink and I enjoy chewing on them as well. I suppose they extend the offering is still going through lots of canned vegetables. I may go back to chopping up carrots and even celery to add to my container of pickled vegetables. I'm searching for a couple of cans of pickled beets that I've had for a couple years which I think would make a great addition. The cans are somewhere in my food cabinet. I may have to add that to my staff's to do list. One of these 1st days maybe even tomorrow since I have to go south on Redwood Road to see my podiatrist may go to the Smiths superstore and by another huge can of sliced peppers. Number 10 size can even though they willnot fit into my container now they will sometime soon.I eat these peppers that quickly.

By this afternoon the soft sweet clouds of mourning had begin turning into the monstrous by Cumulus Nimbus clouds of the pending afternoon storm. The winds picked up in the great masses begin to darken and soon I began to hear distant rumbles like giants bowling in the far-off Valley were sparks flash when the giant balls hit the pins waking and errant afternoon slumber. Fortunately I got home by 2 o'clock click to listen to “the world” and of course followed by “Marketplace”. I listened well pumping my arm bike for 60 minutes. I enjoy looking at my window seeing the winds blow the trees in the park ahead of the storm.

The storm's don't last long here in the West. Usually in and out by mid-evening as is tonight storm. Suns come back out the skateboarders are back at it and everything feels a bit refreshed.…

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