Saturday, April 24, 2021

Bird Woman of Of the Trax


I really hadn't planned on heading out in going anywhere on the bus today. A low-pressure systems in the area meaning there's clouds and abundance. Looking very stormy so I still wonder why I chose to head out I think if there is need of explanation that might be out of frustration. I don't know if I remember saying anything yesterday about the fact that my home health person didn't show up. I was contacted by the agency they wanted to have somebody come around 2:30 PM but you know by then the days half if not all over. I pretty much decided I would just wait until this morning. Well, this morning my home health person showed up way early (that's okay had rather her always be early and late) catch me off guard four is even a able to shave, take medications and most importantly make my bed. Obviously, Melanie was still operating under the effects of yesterdays migraine. She informed me that she would rather not be here but felt I needed taking care of and seems like she's the only one. I felt a little stressed and a little worried. I eventually performed did I believe a partial E vac which is left me a little bit concerned all day. I think I'll be okay I just have to make it through the Monday now.

So that was my rationale rather than staying home in the apartment or around the apartments felt the need for a minor adventure is nothing more than a quick trip down to 21st South Central City Station on Trax. Queasy as my stomach felt just getting to the train was an adventure. I really just did some push to go. And let going to Staples and picking up some mechanical pens cheap and some more rubber bands – – you can never have enough rubber bands. I wandered through Best Buy which is attached to Staples once again coveting the big flat screens, checking out their DVDs space and all other forms of entertainment. I got a lot of sleep last night more than usual almost 7 hours that hardly ever happens. But I felt sleepy as I got to the platform for my trip home. I guess the red line wasn't running today technical problems so I had to take the blue line train which is okay just not as convenient and one has to rely on the driver to let me in and then you have to tell the driver just where you want off. I don't know if it's me or their clientele on Trax is getting more and more bizarre. Perhaps it was because it was a Saturday and early spring and that all crazies were out, kind of like morals of the full moon.But when I got on the train my eyes are directly fastened on this lady sitting on the top of the bench like an eagle perched on a tree limb watching for prey. She was an old woman by any means though mature she did strike me as crazy. She was quite lucid, which may complete sentences and she was obviously bright. I suppose just like the perch on the back of a bench while riding the train. I must admit however on the next stop a whole crew of challenged folks and in the bus a number of wheelchairs being pushed by the owners. I have no room to talk but these guys look like hobos. Each carried a form of the cardboard sign often seen at street corners are the end of ramps to freeways looking for handouts. Obviously this was the morning and afternoon shift getting off work heading back to wherever the roost was. And the lady perched on the seat was getting off as they boarded saying over to her self (my God who are these people… My God who are these people). On the trip home I decided to stop off the market and get dinner chicken fingers, mashed potatoes and gravy next in for a treat I bought the corned beef shards you know those pieces that nobody wants because of the crusty and pieces I love those but found out this batch was way salty I will pay that price tonight. If nothing else my trip was a success because I got to see the bird woman perched on the seat in the coach of my tracks car going home…

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