Sunday, April 04, 2021

Lisey's Story, My Easter Egg

I had to dip into my collection of Stephen King novels the other day when I finished the current book I have been reading the last couple weeks. I'm usually fairly proactive about ordering in another book will be for current read is finished but somehow I neglected this little task. I mean ordering a book whether by thrifty books are Amazon or whoever it's easy especially if they already have your account information so I don't really have an excuse. Now however, it's a little exasperating to be 50 to 100 pages into a novel and then drop it as soon as my new read gets here but really that's no big deal. I can either finish the volume or tuck the other one away until I finish this volume. The Stephen King I started is Lisey's Story again. I think I've read this volume possibly three times. Even though King does not blatantly admit such I think the story is very autobiographical. I doubt that the weird stuff is actually happened and King is definitely still alive but overall story of a famous – – almost countercultural – – writer getting into his late years, I feel is definitely self-referential. Like my favorite Stephen King novels many of those which I like the most are about guys my age who lived through the 60s and seem just be getting by. I like to have a couple novels ready whenever I need.

What I didn't realize until I googled this particular title was that Lisey's Story[L S]has been made into a miniseries six or eight hours of viewing which is pretty exciting except for the fact that the miniseries is going to be on the Apple channel which of course I don't yet for a host of reasons. Hopefully I'll be able to stream the series at some later date when it becomes more available to non-Apple users. I'll be interested to see that they do with this novel. The Stand and The Dark Tower both were adapted to television and I quite enjoyed the interpretation. I hope L S will be as good which I think it will.

One item which disappoints me when they adapted novel of King's to the screen they direct much more frightening and intense offering. When I read the books I don't see nearly the amount of tension and altogether fear the films bring out. Maybe that's my psyche just toning down what I read so does not freak me out too much. For now though I'm already 50 or 60 pages in and enjoying the read immensely. I may have to finish before I start the new reads whenever they come…

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