Thursday, April 01, 2021

The Bishopric


I'm still trying to cope with the passing of my friend Dennis Ward. It's not necessarily having to deal with a tremendous loss as much as wrestling with the concept of “here today gone tomorrow” and that just astounds me. This is similar to the feeling that I still have one eyewitness the following of the trade towers back in 2001. All those people dead who didn't think they were going to die that morning when they got got ready for work and went into the twin towers. What a shock! Though I'm sure Dennis had some lead time to ponder everything it was a shock to me. Anyway, what was at least a better shock was being made aware of this via his little brother Kim who is my age and who I still consider a good friend if not a very good friend. What was even more shocking and more intriguing was that my other very good friend, Greg Lidster (last name misspelled to protect the innocent specifically, me) . This is the first time, I think, I've done a three-way text session. It was kind of fun if not a little intimidating. Both of these friends have been very successful in their lives comparatively speaking but that's okay I'm strong.

The best part about the texting conversation was that the amount of validity are brought to me particularly of events I beginning to doubt a little bit as I've aged. For one reason or another the three of us all through preadolescents and most of adolescence were pretty much thrown together. We shared some leadership responsibilities in our various religious classes which we shared. I don't think we ever did but we should call ourselves the bishopric because we are always a threesome. Of course, things changed when I had my accident which was sort of like a cube wall it in the rack seems like everything went everywhere. For whatever reason we begin to drift. I be enforced to go to the crosstown rival school because of architectural barriers in the high school I was supposed to go to did not help. We drifted even further, I suppose, at University when we all went are different ways or on missions or whatever our age of “happy problems” had ended really was a shame.

I don't know where we go now. I think I would like to keep “the bishopric” together. I'm really beginning get the feeling that Covid is ending or at least the restrictions at this point seem to be lifting, however long that will stay I don't know. I guess the point I'm making is that Utah/Salt Lake City is the mothership for the LDS church and they have a number of big meetings throughout the year that I'm sure these two guys will come to Salt Lake for specifically Gen. Conference if they start meeting again. During the Covid time they've been doing everything electronically or by television or streaming or whatever form of electronic systems are being used which allows the good members to stay in their homes and worship from their screens. I believe the church hierarchy still needs to have the masses commune at Temple Square when the Covid crisis passes and were able to meet again to break bread and share fish. I'll snag my buddies than and will do something fun and reminisce and be old men together

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