Sunday, April 11, 2021

Sunday Slices


Once again yesterday afternoon or evening Mark Anthony called indicating he was up for breakfast this morning if I was and of course I was. What's even better is that by his own volition we are meeting at 8 AM for breakfast which for me is a civilized time. I cannot imagine how difficult it is for he as well as Jasmine my teenage granddaughter to drag themselves up on a Sunday morning and travel in the Taylorsville for breakfast with me! However, I certainly appreciate their efforts and desires. This is like the third time this month or maybe the second but it's been three times the last three weeks and that's never happened before. This is new behavior. I'm not sure how much I want to make this a weekly event. It's not the cost well maybe if you count the cost of calories. We did the VI today and even though I don't seem to encourage involvement the Village Inn everybody seems to everyone else seems to love the place much more than Dee's which I enjoy. However the VI has a pretty great senior menu and their 222 menu is great as well as caloric it's one of the best choices, for breakfast, the restaurant offers just about 700 cal for two Bacons, two pancakes and two eggs.

One of the things I most inspired impressed with this new behavior is how punctual Mark Anthony has become. He was there at exactly 8 AM this morning in the past it's always been a struggle to meet up at the agreed-upon times but now is hitting the target if not a bull's-eye, every shot. I'm impressed. I kind of feel bad for Jasmine Because she looks pretty sleepy. This morning she didn't even eat she just sat there but she did engage in conversation and is very civilized both of which impressed me and delighted me. I enjoy engaging her with conversations about her life particularly her job which seems to be very important to her life right now. My biggest fear is that she will feel she doesn't need to graduate from high school. Since high schools the only thing that offers anything like Cheer and other close order drill type activities I imagine she'll strive to stay within the high school environment. So we talked and visited Mark and I drank coffee and talked about our weeks had a pretty good time. I let it slip that I can't believe how chaotic my partner had gotten so Mark and Jasmine came over to the apartment after breakfast and cleaned up a little bit especially the table is much as possible. I enjoyed that enough files able to cook this afternoon I used by new slicer and it worked pretty good with the London broil. Using the slicer was a little messy but overall kind of fun for the first time use on something like the London broil which is more of a roast than a steak. I made a nice little baggie of sliced London broil. I'm not sure what I'm going to use this for perhaps just snacking and high-protein breakfast lunch or dinner. Couple strips of this roast might be good with eggs in the morning and pumpernickel toast hard to say. Another cold fronts moved in kind of chilly this morning on my right over to the VI and it's supposed to stay cool and rain later on this week. I'll be okay I don't have anything planned for this week and luckily Assist, Inc. volunteer meeting won't be held this week so I should be fine stay home all week long…

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