Saturday, February 26, 2022

All Pooped Out

I'm sitting in my chair very still as I write this blog entry. It's getting to be middle evening which means I should h this written hours ago. However, I didn't feel up to snuff. Actually they started out pretty decent. I really thought I was going to enjoy this Saturday. I had no pains to speak of. I didn't sleep as well as I would like to but I seem to gotten enough of what I needed to get through the day. It was only after I'd gotten up and dressed and in my chair and breakfast that my stomach begin the rumble and threaten me to feel a little noxious not too bad but I realized I was building up more than just gas. Something was definitely wrong with my G.I. Tract and I think today was to be the day that I would lose control. Actually, I'm very thankful that I've had is good luck with my bowels as I have over the years. Even today with the bowel explosion I was lucky enough to be home with nothing going on.

My bowels finally gave it up sometime around 130 are 2 PM. Midafternoon, starts out feeling like to give a fark and it turns out to be owie gooy and awfully stinky. It's a sickly feeling quite indescribable perhaps it's best. I have no options but to just sit on it to try to develop some kind of plan remember something like this happened a couple of months ago and I thought I'd be able to get some kind of support from the home health service a contract with but was a no go will have any kind of backup plan so I knew better than to even start to search their. As it happens, the first call I made to my Monday morning home health person, Melissa and to let her know of my deeds and predicament. Melissa was great! This was about 2:30 PM and she said that she would be able to help me but not for a couple of hours and I said that's fine I could hold out a couple of hours. I knew I had made a mess not really how big of a mess I couldn't tell. A kind of force myself to stick around the bathroom just because that might assist in the cleanup later on.

Don't you think it's always cool to see somebody out of their own works over comfort zone? That's what it was like seeing Melissa when she was finally able to get to me around 4:30 PM. She is all dressed up in new tennis shoes, it's a depraved nifty shirt. So much different from her typical scrubs that she wears on a regular basis. It's kind of different than regular days when she gets here I am usually naked but today she had to actually on dress me and she had to be careful not to make a bigger mess than was already there by dragging everything on the floor. We did it however, got me naked into the shower chair, over the toilet and that into the shower in that order. I hope I evacuated everything so hard to tell. But we went to the process, I got a good shower and then transferred into the chair. We had to change cushions of course. I had Melissa stripped the cover off one cushion so it in the wash with the soiled plants. We were then basically done. She wasn't going to take the 20 bucks I paid her until I force the money on her. I'm glad she came a glad she was able to do it I'm glad I had the money to pay her it was worth it. I'm a little worried right now as I write this that my stomach might not be settled for the night however I did find my stash of antidiarrheal medication will take a couple shots before going to bed and hopefully that will settle things. I called Mark Anthony to advise I will not be going to breakfast. He was actually in the plane coming home from California when I texted him. He wanted from over and help nine is the one to go to breakfast in the morning but I think he realized the need to rest. I don't know why good ones pants is such a traumatic event but it still is… It still is

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