Tuesday, February 22, 2022



dressed and ready to go at 6 AM!

Remember that doctors appointment that was for 7:45a.m. and this was my primary or initial appointmentwhere the dock in the meet for the first time and I try to get the appointment set for another time but that's only time he does first-timers. Well, that appointment was today. I think I wrote about trying to find a van service or taxicab which would transport me. I was too late on the taxi and the other service that I'm trying to get to use doesn't transport that early in the morning. So the only option was public transportation i.e. the bus. Since I do the Sunday breakfast thing at 8 o'clock in the morning and I always make that in time I figure would be the same thing except an hour earlier. So rather get up at 6 AM I figure if I got up at 5 AM and focus totally on getting dressed and then ADLs like shaving and breakfast of stuff like that I can still get to the bus on time. I checked.yesterday was a little bit worried because they showed the bus reaching my pickup stop at 6:55 AM in the next time would be at 7:25 AM getting me into the hospital at 7:40 AM cutting at real close to the time I supposed to be there at 7:45 AM. But when I checked this morning the actual bus line starts at about 5 AM with half an hour pickups so I still shop for the 6:55 AM pickup time and everything worked perfectly. I love it when things work right. The real challenge however was getting through the night as I was told afraid I was sleep through my time – – even though I rarely sleep in past 5 AM. So I actually went to bed at 10 PM and read for quite a bit before I finally dropped off. I woke up 3:30 AM and never really got back to sleep. I should've set the alarm on my cell phone. Hours think it's difficult but it's really not quite simple and then I can of slept or tried to sleep knowing that even if I did get into a deep sleep I would be woken at the right time . I jumped up and immediately got on my shorts, shoes then shaved and finally put on my shirt house ready to go. I had maybe 45 minutes to wait. Is able to grab some toast, took my meds have everything in place and ready to get out the door on time which I did. I don't not very exciting this particular entry but you know what it is for me. I was beginning to doubt myself as far as what I can do on my own. I was kind of relying on other services and programs to define whether I would be able to make an appointment or not. So the days event, getting to my physicians appointment was stellar in my eyes.

The appointment itself was kind of fun actually, this guy is a physiatrist and he took a long time listening to my story and asking questions about how I live my life which I'd totally enjoyed going on and on about. I'm really pathetic that way don't get me talking about myself after all I keep a blog which is more than 3000 entries about conservative

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