Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Folded Boxes – Chinese Takeout


I doubt I would use the word eager to go to my Assist, Inc. meeting today. I've been complaining that the last week and a half the weather's been beautifully abnormally warm for February and of course the first meeting I have out snows forecast the luckily for me in the afternoon the late evening so I should be home, warm and safe if and when freezing precipitation might occur.

The meetings are different than they used to be with David. I kind of miss that are actually I miss the interaction with David. Dave had a fairly long way to present the needs of the consumers. We certainly earned our stipends. However, with Andrea's it's a real down and dirty burn through the meeting. We go over the needs quickly and then sign and then were done. Usually out by 12 o'clock noon. Rather than meet every week we seem to be scheduled valve every two weeks that's pretty good also. It's nice to have a free Tuesday every other week it's not like I'm doing anything with my Tuesdays sometimes assist nice to hang out and lay low—and I'm doing a lot of that lately.

The trip in to the meeting was uneventful. In fact the whole morning went extremely well even if it felt like I was taking a long time to dress. Tuesdays and Thursdays as well as Saturdays and Sundays are days I have no home health folks to shower me and help me dress so I'm pretty much on my own and I like that. However I'm noticing small things like dressing becoming more and more challenging but I can still dress myself, independently given enough time. Today I did so well that I was at our early to my meeting. I wandered around the library section of Salt Lake City was really quite surprised to find there were really no coffee shops – – you know the card you could just go into by some coffee and hang out in the great environment listening to music and watch people? There is that little French pastry shop next to the office but there's really no place there to hang out. I think management wants you to buy their overpriced pastries and coffee and get the hell out of Dodge. In fact today about a coffee and a pastry not éclair but a piece of dough rolled on itself so it looks like a mollusk or some other form of dinosaur slug. For $2.25 for the pastry and another $2.50 for the coffee and I think they're kind of miffed that be because I did not leave a tip. They forced me to use my credit card saying that cash machine or whatever was not working right and they couldn't take cash. I don't think I really believed them but they ran my card and I did not leave a tip.

On the way home rather than argue with the driver of my bus about lead me off before the established busstop, once I get to Redwood Road, I went all the way to cemetery stop and then thought what the heck I'll go a block further and have lunch at Ming's be humble Chinese restaurant like kind of like those near as I can tell I'm one of the few. The place rise driven old time Chinese restaurant the kind one are used to go to. I was disenchanted however when I got there and there was no “dine-in” dining. I balked at first but then said why not give my order to go and take it home which I did. I have to admit it was kind of nice chow mein was still hot by the time I home and I really like the noodles and I have more than enough for a second helping or warming up and eat it tomorrow. What I really liked was the cute little Chinese fold it up “to go box” not the regular Styrofoam container when gets these days usually. This really reminded me of the old days. I don't know if they'll ever open up the dining room again I hope so really brings back the memories…

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