Thursday, February 24, 2022

Turned Foot


I'm sitting here patiently, will not patiently as it doesn't really matter anymore, for my future mechanic to drop by and fix apart on my new chair that's been driving me crazy for the past it seems like six weeks but really three or four weeks. It's a little thing, is the device that locks the arm of the chair into place which allows me to pull myself up right in the sitting position. I have a pretty significant scoliosis as well as spastic tone all over my body especially my legs which is becoming more and more pronounced as I age. This new chair has exacerbated this condition, I believe, to a pretty significant degree. My right foot turns on its side I think because of the padding is all torn loose and wadded up causing to roll under. To be honest but could still curls when my shoes are off but not as significant and radical as during the day when I have my shoes on a really think it makes you look like a Charles Dickens character. I doubt the visit the day will do any to alleviate the problem of my curled foot/ankle but it should help by fixing the side of my chair so it will hold fast for however long that might be. The critical joint is made of plastic which I think I tend to wear out rather quickly (I believe I written about this issue and other blog entries). It has something to do with how destructive I am with my chair and assist a pathetic reality that I have to absorb to live with. I will do this until the problem become so irritating that I will figure out another solution. One of my wheelchair people have suggested there might be a possibility of going for another arm that well not wear out because it's made of metal and not plastic. I'm going to give this repair one more try and try to be careful and gentle to the part but if I tear the plastic up relatively quickly than looking for another solution. I use this on the pull myself up I will bet you at least 100 times a day. A fixed arm, easily applied and released, would certainly help my day especially when dressing myself.

Remember I started this out by saying I am patiently waiting. Another reason why I'm not too concerned is because earlier this week my reconditioned, former chair, came back from the U Cat shop. I can't remember if I remarked about this before but for $250, this quasi-governmental shop will completely refurbish your chair. I'm still not really sure how far that goes. They said I didn't need new batteries but if I did they would've included these but they replaced the tires went through the electricals and the rest of the system to make sure everything was still working right. They looked at the motors and be replaced other pieces of the chair that seem to be having problems. Remember this is the chair that had gone more than 5000 miles. I put a lot of stress on this baby. Perhaps most important is the fact that now, I have a back up chair that I can depend on if and when I need such a device like when I'm typical wheelchair repairs I have descended my new chair for work at the shop. Even though the guys do a great job in their quick and they wait till all the parts get in so they can do the work in one day I still have to be without my chair overnight at least one day. Now however, I have a chair I know I can “live in”, transfer into and out of bed, dress and have the distance to go wherever I need to go. The just freeze up my mind and makes me feel I can put up with just about anything . However, I'm still patiently waiting for my mechanic…

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