Sunday, February 27, 2022

Dirty Clothes, Pizza and other Sundays Things

If you remember I texted Mark Anthony last night that there would be no breakfast this morning just because I didn't feel secure enough to attempt leaving the house. I don't think I can handle to poop accidents in two days especially in public. I was pleased however to wake this morning with no poop in the bed. I was pretty well surrounded by chucks (I don't know if that's how it's spelled but hopefully you get the idea bed protectors or whatever) that I lay down last night for I lay down. Even better was that the kind of followed me from the bed and my chair so I been sitting on them all day in case there was another incident but fortunately I think I'm on the mend, hopefully. I did take another couple of anti-diarrhea tablets this morning early on so maybe they're just doing their job. We'll see tomorrow when I'm scheduled for my next regular visit to the shower and toilet.

Because of yesterday's incident I had a number of things in the dirty close that needed immediate attention. I regularly try not to do any physical labor on Sunday, you know the whole Sabbath deal, just to make sure I'm covered, so like tagging up to second before running the third. But “the ox is in the mire” I figured I needed to do the wash especially since Melissa significantly suggested that I do so because the sling that we used to move me from the wheelchair to the shower chair have been in dire need of washing for a number of months to say nothing of the poor cushion cover. So I figured once I was convinced I would not be a threat of exploding I would head down and throw my closing the wash which I did. Even though the batch was smaller than usual I used two soap pods. Want to make double sure but close got a good soaping and wash. Yesterday when we took the cushion cover off of the cushion. I had Melissa take the cover off one of the other pads I had/have been put it on the cushion. She did a good job but I don't know what's the matter but the cushion does not seem as “friendly” as the other. Thanks to the washed job I now have a clean cushion cover but hopefully I can put back on the cushion tomorrow and things will be as they were… But I doubt that.

Actually, the remainder of the day I spent getting a jump on my kid letters. I don't know why it's so important to me to try to get these things out the beginning of each month. February went by so quickly I cannot believe it was nearly time for the first to roll around so rather than wait I figured today would be a good day to start the letter writing process and actually did pretty good.. I have about half of the letters finished. I'm fairly confident that tomorrow I can get the others taking care of and hopefully posted all on Tuesday. I hope my stomach is settled off to be able to get into my assist meeting I'm sure we'll be having.

The remainder of my day I've been decorating the pizza. I think I mentioned yesterday that I got a crust, a pizza crust actually a whole pizza, of sorts, from the food bank which just needed some more things on them so today I fried up a little hamburger diced some green pepper and onion. I was going to go for all lives but we only can I could find was a pretty high – – and I could get them but I was already crowding the pizza crust as it was so let it go and the whole thing turned out not bad for free pizza crust. I always repent for not using all is if I have them however. Hopefully my butt will feel better tomorrow. It does not seem to be liking this new cushion cover if that's the problem could be the cushion itself but we'll see…

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