Monday, February 14, 2022

Movie and Licorice Pizza

Clouding up finally, a weekend storm fronts moving through we may get some action from the skies this coming Tuesday, tomorrow. Today was the last abnormally warm day that will enjoy for a couple of days now. So with that in mind I figured I'd better squeeze in another movie while the weather was good. With my Monday morning duties out of the way and half an hour into my daily work out I was suited up and out on the street getting ready to catch my bus. I wore my watch cap and what of my heavy longsleeve shirts is out the door without about wearing a blanket for my legs but realize for the day would be much too warm for that even with the breeze. I even had my mask if the UTA drivers are going to enforce the mask mandate. Having to wear a mask for free public transit's okay with me, definitely worth trade-off. Most of the people who ride the bus they'll respect the UTA mask mandate but more and more there's some rude dudes who like to ride, real Red Hat's if you know what I mean. The driver still has the last word, being able to call transit police and all but that rarely happens when people either pull out a mask are grab where the paper cheap masks the drivers pass out when needed.

I went to a movie called Licorice Pizza an entertaining account of life in the early 70s around Encino California area. Still pondering the movie in my mind trying to figure out how to relate to it. I can't tell if it's supposed to be something like but set 10 years later or what. I think I liked the movie maybe not to the point where I will use my movie subscription to watch it again but there are parts I definitely like. I think the whole thing was a love story little untraditional but a love story nonetheless. Set in the 1970s probably around 1973 because the deal a lot with the oil embargo. The last few months or years before the whole concept of marketing changed with the advent of cell phones and what have you. Sort of last moments of the great sleep which followed what I call the 1960s. As I said, that. Before technology took off and change the world. A time when a person can make a fortune talking fast and move even faster. It was kind of a romantic time. I was somewhere between my first years of college and flunking out working with my good friend Capt. McIntyre MD. Was a pretty nice time if I remember correctly.

Following the movie, I came straight home as I said the clouds moved in and do it wasn't cold having the benefit of direct sunshine makes a big difference in the 50° temperature with winds of change. I got to the bus stopped only had to wait about six minutes for the 217 rollup. What a lucky day for me, transit everywhere hardly anytime waiting at all. I thought about stopping into a market – – in fact I did roll through Harmon's market – – click purchasing something for dinner like a steak or something but after frying up the taco meat from yesterday I figure there is no reason for me purchasing thing because the taco meat is so good I'm just good I have another taco maybe dress-up little bit this time with some hot peppers may be some sauce maybe even some cheese I don't know. Rather than taco maybe I'll make burritos roll them up and make a burrito casserole or enchiladas for the rest of the week. However, to do that would mean pulling everything out of the oven and I just don't know my energy levels are that high but who knows stranger things have happened…

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