Friday, February 16, 2024

Another flipping Friday!

 And so it's another Friday. I cannot hardly believe that since it was just a week ago that we had another Friday. And luckily I can see that the internet is back up and working again by the way the periods are coming out at the end of the sentences rather than the words. I don't know if that makes me so happy but it does. This week is not what I would call a failure because I got a couple things done, attended a couple meetings it had social Communications with a few folks here and there but by and large I pretty much stay to myself inside my apartment and enjoyed the new screen TV and my subscriptions to various internet options like Netflix and Amazon. I could certainly get into being a Hermit I think sometimes and maybe if you have an internet connection you can be a Hermit with privileges as long as you don't have to meet the people in The flesh. That's one of the best things about the internet is that's it is its own great buffer.

A couple days ago I got a invite from some person on the internet wishing to begin chatting which usually is something I really wish to engage in but this guy sounded really angry and hostile somebody I didn't need in my life and he almost demanded to know where I lived which of course raised immediately hyper red flags. I used to be pretty straightforward about telling anybody I'm texting with where I lived but now not So Much Anymore there are too many weird things going on in the world. In fact I'm even beginning to pull back on texting strangers like I used to. So the closest I tell people most the time is that I live in the Great Western USA and I think that's exotic enough. I can always increase the information if I feel safe and comfortable enough. I just don't need a whole bunch of weird people in my life more so than I already have. Fortunately, the weirdos in my life that I have now I really enjoy I hope to keep them there for as long as I can.

I cooked again tonight, I don't really know why except for that I wanted to get a piece of meat out of the freezer that's been there for some time and as I was searching for the meat I happen to find some tater tots, frozen tater tots that I've had in there for some time that really needed to be used. The meat was this package of pork chops that I've gotten for the food bank years ago and I've been taking up space in my refrigerator freezer ever since but I figured the day would that be a good day to get rid of them I had two frying pans that were clean and the will to cook. It was a little late in the day but I took the meat out to thaw and I started dinner after the national news. The pork chops are about 3/4 of the way Todd and I started the tater tots with salt and pepper and a couple of Garlic's that I smashed and threw into the mix. I should have thrown the tots away they look pretty hammered a lot of ice was with them so I guess they were pretty Fraser burned but I browned them some case black and some of them and then I started the pork chops. After I'd gotten those brown on each side there were four pork chops all together I added a can of Campbell's mushroom soup with a can of milk and it made it pretty decent dinner I should have had something green but I can always eat a couple spoonfuls of my concoction before I hit the sack and sometimes that's all it takes. Tomorrow if it's not raining too bad I need to get some potato chips because it's a holiday weekend and you know about me and holidays..

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