Sunday, February 18, 2024

Simple Sunday

I'm pretty sleepy tonight I figured I would be. I woke up and had to drain about 3:30 this a.m. and I really did get back to sleep. I may have gotten another 45 minutes of some kind of sleep but wasn't much before I got up at 6:00 a.m. because it was Sunday breakfast over at the restaurant. Like it or not it takes me a bit to get dressed anymore. I kind of like to give myself 2 hours at least for the 8:00 a.m. breakfast. If I don't screw around I'll lose focus of the time I can actually do it and probably 1 hour but it's very improbable. I would really have to be focused and move quicker than I would like. 2 hours gives me time to drain, shave take my morning medications with juice or whatever I choose and then get dressed. It's the Sunday ritual if I didn't have to put my shoes on the process would even be quicker I could probably do the whole thing in an hour if I needed to. Today, after getting dressed I took my meds, did one or two word puzzles and waited for the clock to turn to a time that I can get to the restaurant on ti

me and not look like I'm over zealous.

, today not only Mark Anthony but the two kids joined us Jasmine and Jackson. This certainly made for a lively discussion at parts and times in the breakfast. I must caution myself always to not be as liberal as I tend to be and try not to be as political as I think the kids would like us to be. I still don't think the kids all of them understand a large part of the political process as well as the discriminatory actions are going on in the community. They're very conservative if they're political at all. I kind of think Jackson is or you understand a lot more then I think the other two might but he has the wisdom, great wisdom for a young man, to stay quiet and help out where he can. This morning he took great pains to butter my flapjacks and I thought that was pretty kind of him. I hardly ever order pancakes cuz you know it's one of the breads that's offered on a regular order and when they demand what bridge you want I figure Flapjacks is best it could be figured into the most options if I were to actually take them home with me. I'm always surprised when they're bringing the Flapjacks out with the order even though I remember ordering them I'm always quite shocked to see the three Pancakes on the plate and thinking how am I going to eat these? The funny thing is is that I do eat them or good portion of them every meal that they show up on. Today I had an omelette which came with three two pieces of bread or pancakes. Jackson covered the pancakes as well as he could with the little bit of butter they afford the pancakers. I like to tear my pancakes up in the strips kind of roll them up and dip them into syrup then eating as fing ger food. The Omelette was not as Gucci as I would have liked it to be but I covered it in green up sauce as much as I could and of course ketchup for the hash browns.

There was a cold wind blowing as I left the restaurant enough that I knew that I would not go out anywhere today being glad I had a good excuse to stay in and watch Netflix all day which I did Shameless to say that I spent the day binging on a series which is pretty stupid. I meant second season and hopefully I should be done with that season tomorrow at some point if I get the chance to do some more binging

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