Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Tweaking Tuesday

Another weird day to say the least. I struggled all night believe in I had to take a poop or a poop with imminent to the point that what I woke around 6:00 a.m. 6:30 and saw that Melissa was up at least online I sent her a message indicating I needed to poop today and when would she be able to do it how quickly because I still anticipated going into my assist meeting. I soon received a message that she could come relatively soon and with Melissa that's always a wide variants. But eventually she was able to get over here and we did a poop was this big as I thought it was going to be but it was significant and oddly enough I was able to get out of the apartment on to the buses and out of the train and to my meeting on time I was totally surprised that I made it. Interesting I really had difficulty getting out of bed this morning spent a lot of time struggling on my transfer and I didn't think I was going to make it. I finally was able to get myself into the chairs well enough that I could tip it back the slide myself into the right seating position. I wasn't too worried because I knew that eventually Melissa would be here and she would save my butt. Speaking of butt it seems like I have some lesions on the back of my rear end or at least on the leg portion. Melissa says they're not significant and she'll keep an eye on them and she put some medication on there and we'll just have to keep an eye on what's going on but that's kind of spooky between butt sores and difficulties in transferring I'm wondering if I'm getting ready for another change in my life. I sure hope not. I may be just overreacting you know how I get.

It was a good traveling day. I didn't have any issues with transportation no problems with bus drivers and the train seem to come and go on time. I stopped at Taco Time on the way home they got lunch a meat stick and potato tots. I thought they were supposed to be cheesy potatoes but it's not what I got but that's all right I actually got soda in my water glass so I guess we're even. I worked out on the arm bike when I got home and I even thought out chicken and made myself some chicken rice. I stopped at the mochi place across the street and got some rice for dinner. I was a little concerned about the Integrity of the chicken sauce but it worked out okay had to be patient I had to keep stirring water into the can of sauce. Clearly I'd waited too long and I need to use the other can of quickly as well. I was able to eat half for dinner have it saved half for tomorrow sometime or maybe Friday hard to tell. Luckily I will have Melissa come in again tomorrow for the regular morning routine maybe poop some more and get back into some kind of a schedule.

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