Sunday, February 25, 2024



It's funny how you don't notice something until you do notice something- I know that sounds crazy but it's true. I thought it's been weird that all the sudden the last year or so I've started noticing more and more ads for hearing aids are hearing aids devices. I didn't pay attention to these but I did notice there was more and more media attention being put to these devices. I noticed for the first time this morning that maybe I should start considering something like that. To be honest I've been somewhat doing major avoidance of these devices as I look around to my friends and notice are sticking in their ears more and more. I mean a lot of people here at the facility slash Apartments have the hearing aids but I just had never ever thought about them for myself. Remember I work on that committee that has assistive technology funding for people with disabilities and I've been griping about how many people have been utilizing our funding for these hearing devices. They're not cheap they're very expensive. I just sort of inwardly smirked that that's something I'm not going to have to worry about. However, this morning I really noticed possibly for the first time- - I mean there have been other times before that I'd sort of considered what was happening but I didn't pay much attention to it- - but this morning I was doing that real senior thing but asking everybody to repeat what they were saying. Luckily I caught myself and not being too obvious….. at least I hope I wasn't too obvious. I think I only asked people to repeat themselves like maybe three times but I can see myself in one of those TV commercials for someone's trying to follow a conversation and they're all just hearing mumbles and stuff. I have been kind of wondering what's the driving force that makes somebody realize the need for a hearing device aside from a y for something who just gets tired of repeating themselves and finally brow beats the guy into getting a hearing examination. I'd like to think I'm hearing just fine and it seems like I am actually except for moments like this morning when I realize I'm asking people to repeat themselves. I soothe Myself by saying that I'm in the public place there's a lot of background noise and that is the reason I can't follow a conversation at the other end of the table. I don't know maybe I'm expecting too much but in the back of my mind it's like I would never be able to hear that or those conversations anyways just too far at the other end of the table. But for the first time I'm willing to play with the idea that maybe just maybe I might need some kind of hearing device. Of course the next big issue would be if I were to get a hearing device or devices I just don't know how I would maintain them and self execute them as far as putting them in and taking them out when needed to be. They really look like they do need a lot of hand function to get things done right. But then again I seem to get by over and over again when the need comes up. I don't think I need the hearing devices yet but I can sure feel the need coming...

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