Thursday, February 15, 2024

Damn internet

 Another day that I didn't do an awful lot I pretty much just tuned out that the apartment except for a short period of showing up at the coffee group and being a little bit social period This may be a shorter blog than usual since there's something wrong with the apartment complex internet connections making everything a little bit more difficult to use period I noticed this with that meeting now just came from period It was a board meeting and At first I could even get on the zoom connection and then when I did or I was able to I was really unprepared and this was because I couldn't download the documents I needed for the meeting like the notes in the minutes of the last medium things of that nature period corporate as working on the internet that services this facility that's the problem we're having today period should be done in time or by the end of the day period I would like to try to see if I could watch the jazz game tonight even though I'm losing faith that the guys with every game they lose period I should be more supportive however because it's not their fault they lost a couple good players in the trades this last go around period I can see them struggling to try to get to know the new people they're working with and bring the rookies up to speed of the professional status period There's a couple I really like and have faith in so I guess I just have to cut him slack and keep watching the game is a televised maybe even start going some of the home games in a couple weeks when the darkness holds off a little bit longer period sends out have to travel on the train down to the Delta Center period

I don't know how easily it is to correct but anyway right now dear reader be aware that every time you see the word period that should be “.” for some reason the speech to text is monkeying up a little bit and not taking those verbal cues for the proper symbols period I hope that eventually when the computer stuff is up-to-date that the dictation will go back to usual. I'm not sure when I can be able to post this Since it will have to be when the internet link is back up and accepting posts period not quite 500 words but it'll have to do for today period

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