Wednesday, February 07, 2024


I should be diligently folding clothes from the days wash but you I should be diligently folding clothes from the days wash but you know what it can wait till tomorrow. I don't know what's happening to me I used to always fold and hang clothes right after I would get them from the wash but today somebody, a good samaritan, actually took the clothes out of the dryer put them in the basket and brought the basket to my apartment. I don't know why they did that I know there was other dryers available so it wasn't because I was taking up the dryer time though I did go an hour after the drive was finished. The dryer clothes have sat in the basket all day at the foot of my bed well I watched a movie on Netflix and hung out at the apartment. For the first time in a couple of days I did go out to the market even though the day was cold and wet I was almost out of sweet little sugar stuff for coffee and I wanted to make sure I had everything when melissa, my home health person, returns for coffee on Friday morning and to help me with my morning routine. I was astounded I purchased it a few things and the bill stuck into about 40 bucks was totally shocked to me. My trip to the market was not so bad. I kind of think I've been letting the dark days and wet atmosphere get the better of me causing me to stay in and not push myself. I probably need to get out and get to the market other than Macy's and maybe a movie and just look around for some things I feel I've been needing some time. I've just been complacent to the point that I've elected to stay in the apartment all day playing with my new big screen, doing my arm bike or just messing around. For dinner I just had another piece of pizza left over from my birthday dinner a week or so ago. I've had it in the refrigerator and it tastes just fine to me for lunch I consumed the rest of my roast beef hash that I've had in the refrigerator for a couple of days. I broke in a couple of eggs and then threw everything in the microwave for 2 minutes on high and then another minute or so after the first two minutes had stopped or finished. I thought the meal was great even though I did not drench the materials in ketchup which I was attempted. Earlier in the day l made coffee and wash dishes so there would be a coffee cup for Melissa when she came around this morning to enjoy fresh coffee. I counted as a successful day the odometer on my power chair has 2.0 miles on it which has become a rarity this winter as I've elected to stay in as much as possible and not have to deal with the cold wet weather of winter. what it can wait till tomorrow. I don't know what's happening to me I used to always fold and hang clothes right after I would get them from the wash but today somebody, a good samaritan, actually took the clothes out of the dryer put them in the basket and brought the basket to my apartment. I don't know why they did that I know there was other dryers available so it wasn't because I was taking up the dryer time though I did go an hour after the drive was finished. The dryer clothes have sat in the basket all day at the foot of my bed well I watched a movie on Netflix and hung out at the apartment. For the first time in a couple of days I did go out to the market even though the day was cold and wet I was almost out of sweet little sugar stuff for coffee and I wanted to make sure I had everything when melissa, my home health person, returns for coffee on Friday morning and to help me with my morning routine. I was astounded I purchased it a few things and the bill stuck into about 40 bucks was totally shocked to me.

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