Friday, February 23, 2024

Open wide


Finally the appointed day for my dental work has come. I don't know if I was excited or just in pain from surviving yesterday's and the day before seating on the cushion that was in backwards in my power chair. I don't know what I was thinking when I had Melissa put me down on it it felt weird at the time but I thought I was just getting used to the chair pet cushion again but in fact I think it was in backwards and it really hurt my butt I thought I was going to die during the night because my cheek on my right side burned I put some medication type stuff on there and that helped a little bit but I think that also kept me a little awake during the night didn't get a lot of sleep I don't do a lot of sleep anymore it seems like. Anyway I finally got up around 6:00 a.m. did the transfer which I was surprised when as well as it did got shaved and ready and she showed up here at 7:00 which is great. Got myself taken care of and dressed and finally got to the dentist office around 10:00 a.m. little bit before. I really do like being over there those people I really like they really treat me good I mean I pay for it that's for sure but still I enjoy hanging out with the guys that's nice.


It took a while to get going and stuff but finally they got me in the examination portion and tilted back and got some x-rays taken. Luckily just a little bit of drilling had to take place but I still got a couple shots of Novocaine and a good dose of nitric oxide my favorite reason for going to the dentist. Seem to take a while for Alan to get to work but when he finally did we went through it fairly quickly drilled out the bad parts then filled up my cavity space with whatever he fills it up with and then turn me loose. Almost $200 worth of work fortunately they were good enough to break it up into three payments- - actually I could have done it in one but why put any more pressure on myself that I need to right? Anyway, the day was actually visually beautiful clear skies and almost warm. I toyed with the idea of going over to the market to shop but never got around to it. Every time I thought that I would I found something to keep me here at the apartment or an excuse that I didn't need this I really didn't need that and I can wait a couple days before I got that and so I didn't go anywhere just up to the front a couple times and that was it. I watch the cartoon movie after dinner the first cars motion picture which I liked at least it kept me entertained. I was kind of hungry for dinner because the doc said I couldn't chew anything hard on my right side where the Dentistry went today so I just had a couple of hot dogs for lunch I mean wieners from the package and my concoction and that was kind of it aside from a couple treats here and there. I visited ed with Dave Allen on the text messaging as well as Diane who called me some more issues of people in her life. I listen to them was kind of glad to get back to my movie in the Afternoon News. Hopefully get some sleep tonight we'll see

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