Saturday, February 24, 2024

Sunshine Saturday

 I swear I dictated this and posted it sometime earlier today but I don't see any sign of it tonight anywhere so I'm going to do it again real quick. I'm glad I checked the journal that's when I realized that I may not have posted the blog for today but still sort of freaks me out. Anyway I wanted to get to bed somewhere early tonight so I could get up in time for breakfast with Marc Anthony tomorrow and I will it's just going to be a little more difficult to get up because I wasn't able to get to bed earlier enough and it's my own fault. Been watching a little TV and cleaning up a little bit and it's been taking all my time but I would have used to be doing this had I thought I had not already done it. But briefly, it's been a good day sunshine was out and the temperature was nice it was about 55° could actually sit outside if I really really wanted to. I went to breakfast with actually coffee with Janet and then later I crossed the street and picked up some items over at the market which I felt I needed for Sunday as well as the beginning of next week mainly pickled peppers beans and other things I used to put in my concoction and a few items I thought I needed to get through Sunday. Other than that it's been a quiet day. I wish I had some Fantastic Adventures to talk about but I sure didn't. Please that my butt wasn't hurting however and that the cushion I'm in today is much more protective than what I had yesterday and the day before. My Butt is sore tonight but not like it was yesterday and I've been trying to push the filling back as much as I could all day today. Hopefully it'll make a difference. Like I said not much is happening. I could have gone out and done some shopping I'm going to look for a pillow a hugging pillow. I didn't have one last night because I didn't see where Melissa had put it after she made the bed it was just in reach but I didn't know where it was at and I wasn't about to search for it in the middle of the night when I realized the thing was gone. So tonight hopefully we'll see. I hope I'll sleep well. I actually did my own bike about 8:00 tonight which is another weird thing that I hardly ever do is exercise that late but I didn't get around to it today cuz I was sprucing up the apartment a little bit here and there and hey why did you get some sleep so hopefully the half an hour workout will help me sleep tonight at least until early enough to rise and get ready to go across the street for breakfast aside from that was a pretty good Saturday..

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