Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Lights out

 Thank goodness I did not have an assist meeting this morning. I don't know whether I would have made it or not. Last night was one of the weirder nights that I've spent in this apartment complex. Last night was a pretty regular night. I didn't get to bed till about 11:00 p.m. my usual time really this gives me time to read and maybe an hour before I turn in for the night. Last night I turned in and was situating myself under my covers to read and it did something and the Lights Went Out. I don't know if I've told you all this before but I have this wooden stand built by occupational therapist at one time that I keep next to my bed and I have a lot of stuff on there. I keep most of my catheter equipment there as well as my other backup materials like bed protectors different kinds of painkillers. One of my nightmare scenarios has been something happening and unplugging the power strip and being trapped in my bed all night are tell whatever I can get somebody in here to help out. It or I have nudged it once or twice before and the whole system's gone down but I've usually been able to put it together again so it functions and I have power to read and operate my bed. Last night I was not so lucky.k

I probably tried for an hour trying to isolate the plug that came undone but for the life of me I could not find it. I had already halfway situated by bed to how I wanted it with my feet up a little bit and my head piece that up a little bit as well. No whatever I did I could not find a power source are the power source to plug my little Woodstock back into. Then I entered into all kinds of weird behaviors of contacting folks on messenger. I messaged both of my caregivers. The one caregiver actually had a green light on her photo but I received no information back from them I also sent a message out to my son hopefully that he might be out running around but I received nothing from him as well. I was basically out of luck I thought about calling my older brother Carl but then you'd have to drive all the way across town and he could have done that they would have done it but I wouldn't have felt very good that way. The time it moved past 12:00 into 1:00 a.m. and I was still laying in bed trying to figure out what I was going to do. I don't know if I've talked about them before but I have a string Off the Wall here it's connected to a notification system to the resident advisor here at the building and I think if the ra does not answer it goes straight to the fire department who then sends out one of their big trucks to find out if there's a problem. I really did not want to go that route I have a theory that they're watching us and if we do that too many times call in somebody like the fire department then we may have to move on. Anyway long story short, I pulled the emergency pull string and sadly I thought nothing happened I pulled it again nothing happened there used to be a light on there that let you know when things are okay somebody has seen the cry for help and sure enough maybe 20 minutes later the ra shows up asking if I need some assistance and I said yes I do and with some coaching was able to get him to plug the power strip into the wall directly. Before I had the power strip stuck into a end of a purple extension cord heavy duty but it seems over the years it's been somewhat precarious and the plugs tend to fall out of the sockets. I've been trying to figure out how to make my electrical devices more secure but after some finagling my friend got the the plug for the light about the bed plugged in and the power strip put it in a place that should be out of the way. I'm going. To figure out a system to where the plug will not come out. Actually the power strips plugged in now out of the way and I think it's safe I don't think I'll have to do anything more to it right now…


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