Saturday, February 10, 2024

Saturday's song

 Finally the clouds have moved out and the sun came out but it was still quite chilly temperature never getting out of the middle 30s all day and tomorrow is yet to be colder. That's okay because I don't plan to do anything tomorrow after we go to breakfast. I'll probably just come back to the apartment like today and just hang out playing with a new big screen and eating the snack food I have all around the place. I ate a lot of the concoction today and a few crackers here and there and I did something interesting which was toast the hamburger buns I got the other day at the giveaway table a toasted them up this morning and had them with some bread which is really pretty good. They would probably be pretty good with sausage gravy as well. I have not got that much energy though even if I have a whole pot of sausage gravy from Clarissa's last week attempt to have sausage biscuits at the Thursday morning group. I did end up meeting Janet from upstairs over at the coffee shop this morning. There was some issue earlier in the week when she was having some blood pressure issues she didn't think she might make it to the coffee today but she texted me yesterday that she would be there this morning and she was. We did some good gossiping and finally left after about an hour or so. Other than that, I really haven't done a whole lot today to be proud of our to even not be proud of. I watched a couple movies on the big screen and then just hung out for the rest of the day. I could have gone outside and I actually thought about going over to the market or something but I just couldn't sum up the energy to do so or the well. I did empty the bathroom garbage can that have been collecting for some time took it out to the dumpster so I did do a little cleaning which I don't think taking one garbage can out to the dumpster is that.

Looks like we'll be doing breakfast in the morning which is okay with me. I'll just need to get to bed early enough that I can get up enough that could be sure I can get dressed in time for breakfast. Last week I really had some challenges trying to get my shoes on and everything else for for the breakfast event. I'll see how I do tomorrow today it took me quite a while to get motivated to the point of shaving and everything else that I usually do before an event or before getting ready for the day actually. I still have two hamburgers that I cooked yesterday and I did have a frozen burrito at some point in time this evening as opposed to a real dinner. I really kind of do myself a disservice by digging into my concoction it seems like every time I open up the refrigerator. This keeps me actually full enough that I don't end up eating real food but I still might have half a burger before I go to bed just so I have something to keep me from feeling hungry all night long. Part of my plan is to not have enough food in my belly that I'll have to poop before Monday morning. As it is I think I'm doing okay I think I'll make it tomorrow

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