Friday, May 26, 2006

A Duck is a Duck is a Duck

I had lunch with the writers guild today and I came away slightly depressed. I am not sure except maybe it my lack of productivity in writing. Lori brought out her newest play/. I have to admit I am a bit envious. A nice clean 25 page document. I have not had a chance to read the play yet but I am sure the play will be good. Lori has a radical side to her which has always been a joy to experience. I first got to know Lori whe we put together an acting company many years ago. The Second West Acting Company. A small project Lori put together when she was working for Very Special Art(VSA) a a Kennedy Foundation project. I wrote a couple of plays a co-authored one which eventually was produced, granted the play only had three maybe four productions . I wish I could say I was writing but the only thing I am writing is this blog! I have been hiding behind my blog postings! I mean 500 words a night/day is a lot and it's every night counting weekends and holidays. Boy, if I wqas writing this much on a short story or novel or script or something then I would have something to really consider. I do not know why the blog does not seem to count in my should. I have even been considering printing some of my best entries and submit those for the reading Writers Group to consider.

Jerry who is part of the writer group has also finished a book he has been laboring on for the last year. Again I am impressed, happy for Jerry and a bit envious. But with Jerry I can console myself in that Jerry is a professional writer. Writing is what he does for a living. Still I know this bit of writing did not come easy for him. There was a point when I was not sure Jerry was going to finish. So he has the book finished he has till to formally publish and he sounds a little hesitant talking about doing a bit of revision but I bet he will bring the book out at Christmas.

So if my self esteem was not whacked enough from the lunch I met with the local alliance of Information and Referral Specialists(AIRS). (You long time readers will remember my rant(s) concerning AIRS and there quest to be better. We have not met as a group for nearly a year and I really enjoy these folks, I do but I get so tired of their enthusiasm some times. So, the first they do is set a schedule for training...we can't even keep consecutive meeting running and have an area testing at the conference to be held in October. Really it's just a fund raiser let call an operator and operator for heavens sake. I was gettung ready to start booibing about the cost of testing ($65.00) but since we still have thousands of dollars in our account; so, we have decided to have local AIRS cover the cost of the testing. I HATE TESTS!!! If I pass the test then I will be accredited. We are just operators!! We are not crises counselors—we are I&R. You can dress up your duck take your duck to the opera push your duck out on stage and let the duck quack and he is still a duck. Accept it.


Brenda said...

Tap into your frustration and envy to write a short story about what frustration and envy. You wouldn't be a good writer without a little angst.

Good Luck!

Brenda said...

Tap into your frustration and envy to write a short story about that frustration and envy. You wouldn't be a good writer without a little angst.

Good Luck!