Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Want does this mean??

Want does this mean? I passed this house this morning after I dropped my van off at the Firestone and was making my way back to the train station on into work. I have seen the international symbol of access used in a lot of funky ways but this must be the funkiest. I almost did not get the image bit the more I thought about garbage can the more I needed to stop everything I was doing and dig out my camera and snap off an image. It was about 6:45 a.m. so I could not really tell if anyone was home at the time but I had to get the image.

I worried all night about the right rear tire on my van. I had tire fill the tire up last weekend before I took Dianne to the air terminal and then yesterday I noticed the tire was sinking again. I should have gone and filled the tire up last night but when I got home form work but I was too tired and I did not want to miss 24—I mean it’s not an easy thing for me to get the tires aired up. I have to first find someone who will do it. Nothing makes me feel more “gimpy” then having to have someone else doing something I should be able to do on my own. Airing up tires is just one of those things, even if I could get to my air compressor, I still would not be able to air up the tires—just too much hand function. So, I have to go to either a “Jiffy Lube” kinda a place or hang out at a convenience store till I se someone who I think is nice enough will add some air to my tire.

So, having said all of this I decided I just needed to drop the van off at the Firestone in my neighborhood, get the tire fixed and be done with it. ( I really want to be sure the van is in great shape when Dianne picks me up at the airport next week. I have an IOTI meeting today. I know I can get there by bus so I felt comfortable leaving the van. In fact I was called while at the meeting. When I finally got back to the caller I found that in fact they had fixed the tire—this was good—but then they checked out my brakes as I had “indicated”. I had not indicated any such thing! Comes out that my rear breaks are put on backwards.!! This could really expalain a lot of stuff.” Do you want us to fix it it?” The tire guys says and I indicate that I did not ask to have my brakes looked at. This was because I was there so early and had to fill out one of those creepy slips that you have to leave in the creepy little box on the door to their garage with your keys. Luckily I did not have to because there was a lone worker in side unlocking doors and he took my slip. Anyway the tire guys says I must have made a mark or something in or near the brakes part on the slip. Sure what a scam. The tire guy said I would need to have them turned round before my disks were damaged. Less the $100.00. That’s just the thing, I sort of think tire places are the snake oil sales men on the twenty first century, especially if you’re a wheelchair guy who does not know a whole hell of a lit about cars and stuff. You’re at their word.. I said “ Yeah, go a head and do it” payday is Friday.

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