Friday, May 05, 2006

A Plan for A Planner

I think I have figured out what I want to do my planner! Yesterday I ended up going to the Deseret Industry store (local second hand store) to see what they had which I thought I might be able to use for a planner. I found a couple of planners and binders but nothing really “jumped out” at me. I just could not see how I be able to convert the item into a “artistic journal’ for what I had in mind. I have to admit I was a bit dejected when I left. I thought sure I would find exactly what I needed. I put the project in the back of my mind I was even thinking of aborting the whole project.

This morning when I got to work—I had a few minutes to sketch or what ever—so I pulled out my “Head Injury Conference” syllabus. We had a information table at state head injury conference a couple of months ago. They printed this incredible, spiral wired book for their syllabus, really a couple of hundred pages, great quality paper and many, many pages just printed on one side. I have been using the book to do some sketching on—then it hit me THIS WOULD BE A PERFECT PLANNER. Pages and pages of obsolete printed material to past images, planner/calendar pages on and all the blank pages to sketch and write on.

I have already started the conversion process. Art Access , local affiliate to Very Special Arts, send me a couple of post cards a month highlighting their up coming Gallery Stroll, opening of new show or what ever. These post cards are brilliantly colorful and very unique and best of all free. I just need a calendar to cut up and paste onto the pages of the “planner”. There are some planner pages , I have noticed on the Groupwise we use here at the office. If I can out how to print a blank or empty calendar pages and “day page” I may have the whole problem solved.

Gabe called this morning—he indicated he is un-deck to drive me to the airport on Sunday morning. Now, I just need to do a couple of loads of wash and pack everything and just wait. The yard is a mess I wish there was someone I could ask to help with mowing the lawn at least the front—I can live with the jungle in the back until Dianne gets back. Last night we had pretty heavy rain and today rain is called for—so nothing would be able to be done today anyway. However, better weather is on deck for tomorrow and Sunday.

So this is the last workday before I fly to Atlanta. I am waiting for Shane to cut my travel check, I am working through my lunch which will allow me to get to the bank before 5:00. I got to cash the “travel check”, cash another check for my own traveling money. So, I will most likely post tomorrow then I don’t now when I will get to a terminal again before Thursday—if I can find one I’ll post when and where I can.

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