Saturday, May 27, 2006

Scratch The Itch

<>Bridget and Auni took Dianne and I out to breakfast this morning. Usually I do not go out but I am trying to make myself more available to B and breakfast sounded good. Wires got crossed and we were at the the restaurant earlier then anticipated. This meant waiting for a bit. Because we were going out early I did drink coffee much coffee before leaving. I needed some coffee- being desperate for coffee is one thing but sitting, waiting for a table and smelling the java and not having any was driving me crazy!

<>So my question is: Why will the people serve you a cup of coffee before they seat you? I mean if you are going to clearly be waiting for an extended period of time. I think serving the coffee like this to those waiting would be just good business. Since the time was getting late Dianne and began to worry about Bridget and Aunie. Since the restaurant is in the neighborhood Dianne took the van over to the kids house to make sure everything was OK They were but in the mean time I talked the waitress into seating me and I was finally able to get some coffee. It would just be good business.

<>I have been pondering my feeling from the Writers Guild yesterday. I guess I really do need to push my writing. The blog is good but blog writing is not like the writing I want to be doing, some short stories maybe a play or two and of course the great American novel. I came back from breakfast this morning and starting seeing what I had on my harddrive. I was surprised to see I had a number of projects I started last year and did not finish. I had a number of similar ideas which have been “itching” for years. A group of story lines dealing with experiences I had as a kid which have been trying to be written.. I think I have enough material for a book. I started them but had computer problems of software issues and everything got sidetracked and forgotten. I looked at the work and not necessarily delighted I was encouraged I could rework rewrite them to get back on track. I have to admit these stories continue to haunt me and I feel I will not get any solace until they are out, cleaned up and put to the public in one for or another.

Well, its another holiday weekend and right on schedule the heat of pre-summer fadede during the night to be replaced by cool temps and rain. Just as well, Dianne is totally focused on working on her EEOC case. The document has to be finished next week. So, I pretty much on my own. I washed dishes, a batch of clothes and have surfed a lot today. Not too productive but hey its a holiday. Tomorrow I think I'll go look at cameras, do some reading, fold today's clothes and maybe even cook a little.

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