Monday, May 22, 2006

Follow Ups

As a follow up to Saturday’s I found a solution! I must have gone to bed pondering the problem I was having with the software reporting in to Big Brother”. The message said something like “ The system detects this software on another computer on this network. You must purchase an individual for each machine…” I under stood this to mean that the soft ware was registered at main control some where and when I ran the “code” on my PC-desk top to install the web development ,software and open it up, I was flagged. But during the night my mind revealed to me all the message was saying to me that “It detected another copy of this software on another system in the network” So, If I were to turn the other system off the network could not detect the software clone. Sure enough when I turned of the lap-top the pc ran the software with the code. I was able to begin working on my buddy’s images to website issue. I saved fifty bucks. I am still debating, however, to go ahead and grab a version of the software off the Ebay system and stop looking over my shoulder or worrying I will loose access to my bootlegged software.

More follow Up…I called my buddy Tom, of whom I wrote a couple of days ago (by the way thanks to the reader who encouraged me to follow up with Tom. I appreciated your input.) Anyway Tom is fine, as fine as anyone who has a possible life threatening, progressive disability can be. Fortunately, he is still in the early stages and the progression is different per host but as Tom said, Parkinson’s is neurological, and progressive and always lethal—it’s just a matter of time. Tom is taking it cool though, he continues to work, continues to be a husband, dad and good friend. In fact he is taking a 6-10 week European tour. We talked for 40 minutes, caught up on old names and old places, wished we lived closer to each other or at least had more frequent contact. We discussed that we now did hold the technology to do so and that we should, and that we will, but time will tell won’t it?

Vicente Fox is stopping by the building tomorrow! You know, El Presidente of Mexico. Well actually they say( the Mexican Consulate upstairs) he IS NOT stopping by the building. I bet they are saying that. While I was out at lunch rolling round the neighborhood I saw a couple of white vans stuffed with white shirted badges. I never see that many sheriffs in one place unless it’s a doughnut shop. Something is going on. I just hope we don’t get blown up tomorrow or the next day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you contacted Tom. I'm sure that he appreciates you. My mom-in-law was diagnosed with Parkinson's about a year ago. It is a horrible illness as it progresses...she has traveled all over the world & is now limited to visiting doctors & hospitals!