Friday, May 12, 2006

Friday Night

Friday night! I made it to the end of another week! This was not a bad week as weeks go but an epic week just the same. I got back from Georgia in one piece with little or no trauma. I wish I could take all the credit but I cannot. Dianne of course for her continued , if not long distance support. Mark for helping me wash clothes and pack and then of course good old Gabe and Anakah for dropping me off at the airport. Then there were the porters, and unknowns in the airport and on the streets of Atlanta who picked up things I dropped, gave me direction and ideas of where the best and cheapest places to eat were. The lady who served me breakfast two days running, who called me “honey” the way waitresses do at truck stops, Denny's and greasy spoons—seemed glad to seem the second day I showed up for breakfast and smiled at me. She asked if I was going to be a regular like she genuinely cared. It was nice. Even the middle aged, sort of dumpy stewardess who was be side herself when the crew took for ever bringing my power wheelchair up from baggage. I made it! I have a great artifact to add to my history: chapter what ever My Trip To Atlanta.

I fretted over this trip ever since In learned I would have to make it, especially knowing Dianne would be on her own trip. Now, that the adventure is behind me I wonder why I worried as much as I did. I did and I know I will again the next trip I have to take. Trips of this magnitude were challenging when I was younger but I was younger and that made all the difference. Then if I fell off the bed or in the shower I could actually drag my sorry as back in to my wheelchair. However nowadays when I am down I am down. I have to have an assist of some sort. I carried my cell phone with me everywhere in case this happened I would be able to get some sort of help. Maybe I need to re-cultivate the belief in myself I used to have so much of. Maybe this experience was the wakeup call I needed to put myself” “ back in the game” or “on the line” to be more then I am to grow.

I was back in the office today. The boss was gone, cool. I was supposed to have lunch with the Writers Guild. I made the date a few weeks. I was being pressured to set a day and time. I knew I would be just back from the trip but I thought I could do the date but late yesterday I was called at home and reminded that I indeed had a standing meeting at the exact same time. I am th chair and I really had to be there. Attendance to this meeting was part of my job description. I tried to call the others in the Guild but all I got were answering machines. I did my best and went to my meeting. I was late because I took the train and since I am chair—they were waiting for me. I actually did OK for my first meeting—this gig may not be too bad....who knows maybe I just grew from my trip.

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