Thursday, July 20, 2023

Coffee and Cable

 Just to bring you up to speed I decided not to be a jerk and help out this morning at the Community Coffee social. Granted, I didn't go over to the market last night and get the cheap cookies that I usually get luckily however, we had a whole package of cookies and one of the cupboards that had not been used yet. Luckily there was the giant amount of people showing up today who knows why. Maybe it was just too hot for coffee. Anyway there was more than enough cookies for those that did show up to have seconds and even thirds at two cookies paper saucer. Marsha, my neighbor across the hall helped me tremendously this morning pull this off and I'm glad she did it was really quite laborious at times. I'm quite pleased now with Management's drive to get some regulars to do the coffee but I don't think that's going to happen. The announcements been up for a week and as I understand nobody has elected to take on that position. As long as I have people like Marcia willing to work make coffee, clean up put things away I can run the thing real well get the job done. Everyone's got coffee everyone yammers for a while and we're done in about an hour. I help her I can clean up and trying to get things back to normal but fortunately there's a class now that meets every Thursday at 11:00 a.m. and the tables have to be put away in the corner anyway, it's an exercise class, low impact, so even if the tables are all messed up and yucky some of the more able-bodied people can push them over to the side and get on with their lightweight workout session.

Luckily I had a building excuse to not hang around and watch the ladies do their low impact exercises. I finally went through the whole process and ordered Xfinity to come in and trade out my box which I think is the selector box or whatever that they're broadcast materials come in on. I know this is silly because the only thing I really want to watch is the 5:00 news and more specifically the 5:30 news which is the CBS affiliates national news broadcast which I cannot get on live streaming or whatever. I think CBS has a block on that forcing you to come through their front door like normal people. Anyway, the guy was supposed to be here between 10:00 and 12:00 you know how that goes. So after the coffee I waited out front so he wouldn't have to go through the whole process of coding in to the front door but he never showed up until I was notified by the front desk that this guy was waiting at my dog at my apartment and I turned around and looked there he was! I don't know how he got there. I don't know how he could have passed well he says he came in the side door which might be true, why would you lie? It was a process of about 45 minutes testing out the broken box and then making sure you had the new box that would work and by 12:00 noon I was able to catch the local news update on regular television feed. Really felt civilized. Then I turned off the feed and spent the rest of the day hanging out under the shade read my book. Seems like I have read this Stephen King before but that's okay it's good enough that it's worth a reread at least part of it I've read before I think it's the number of short stories I thought it was a full novel but does not seem to be. One last thing, I don't know if I've got a wound on my butt or what or maybe the tapes just getting old and irritating the skin but I need to have Melissa look at it in the morning and tape it up for the weekend and then still during these hot faces I'm not going anywhere probably just to the market if I have to go anywhere leaning back in my chair taking the weight off my butt as much as possible and getting through the day. A number of movies start this week that I might want to take in before the end of the month as well. The best thing was the coffee social went off okay and I didn't have to be an ass…

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