Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Holiday Conclusion

Is that quiet time now that period of time between the end of the family festivities like holiday picnics, movie expeditions An old men laying on the rug out beneath summer trees taking a nap after the big meal. Killing time until the start Of tthe explosions of the holiday. Actually, it's been pretty quiet in the park next door. Last night there were some nice eruptions as people Began firing In earnest private fireworks. I caught a few glimpses of trees and not spend any interest or energy in trying to locate A viewing position. I'm sure there'll beEven more explosive events and natural colors and lots of left hand over smoke. This morning, upon awakening, there was a stitch in my lungs ever so slight that it was there every time I inhaled. The wheeze kind of worried me and still does. I for the 1st time today considered maybe I just and so fireworks fallout through my window during the night. I have not been wheezing that the day but I'm not lying Down either. We'll see tomorrow when I wake or the wheezing comes back, after the fireworks, and keeps me awake during the night.

I try to stay positive even though there were many clouds this morning taking time to warm up. Temperature did get on our that I kind of figured out the thermostat and how to bring the temperature of the apartment down. I actually engaged thermostat set of the built up in the apartment finally turned it off around 6 PM on the place got so cold wise to turn the cooler Off. It was also this afternoon That is a bit of holiday hope is that saddled up and went across the street to the market I picked up potato chips, watermelon pieces, fresh grapes and a few other things from the dollar store. I had planned to process the brisket that was brought over the other day into chopped brisket with barbecue sauce that did not happen. I also purchased a couple of ears of corn. I'm going to save them for later on this week. Between the chips, brisket and other stats from the refrigerator I had a pretty good Fourth of July. I only got 3 or 4 watermelon slices about like to have more but I have enough.

I must admit I was not highly social today But I did tVisit a couple of neighbors in the apartment complexI have a pretty good visit. The sound of explosions are now beginning to drift into the apartment from quantity distance away but there have been a couple from the park. I expect frequency and severity to increase as the night darkens. I doubt I'll chase any fireworks sightings optrng the sack early and do some holiday reading…

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