Monday, July 31, 2023

Monday Matters

 I'm really not quite sure how to adjudicate today. I certainly would have liked to have gotten more done maybe gone somewhere but it was not in the cards. Today my regular chair that I've been nursing to get by and tell I can get it in for some services finally sort of just died. Fortunately, I had Melissa put me in my backup chair because I had high hopes that my regular chair would be going in for services very soon. Well I tipped the chair back and the tip back position for the seat and it never worked after that the other parts of the chair kind of work but but see yourself as in the back position and won't return to a seating position. I called again this morning to the wheelchair shop no return calls and then tonight around 5:30 well I wasn't around the phone very closely it started ringing and when I found out what it was his it stopped and because it was after 5:30 you couldn't get into the office the gun to their taped phone call messages. I'm sure it was Cameron since I called all last week and he never returned my calls and I finally called my emergency mechanic, who works there and said that he would contact Cameron to call me well he must have but when I tried to call back all I got was the recording. So I'll try again tomorrow. At least it's Monday we've got a few more days to work at getting an appointment. I'm sure it's going to take a while in the meantime I'm saddled with this power chair that really is messed up. I don't dare take it anywhere the significance not only from the standpoint of I don't think the batteries will last long but there seems to be something with one of the wheels keeps jerking me to the left with such force that actually causes the cushion I'm sitting on to slide off. I really don't go anywhere in fact I even called Andreas that assist to advise him that I would not be in tomorrow. I hate doing this but I can't drive this chair in this condition downtown on the train and Back Again.

The most productive thing I did do today however was to get the envelope stuffed and the envelope stamped. Remember last week I was going to get the change and I couldn't remember my password and so the machine at the are the cashier at the market couldn't give me cash back what I needed I was going to get my tens there for the kids so today I was going to try to go down to the bank get cash and the $10 bills for the grandkids. Well like I said I'm not going anywhere with this chair so I did check my box money box and there was 110 in there or rather a $20 bill and I had a $10 bill in my wallet. I sent the 20 to Michelle asking her to break the 20 and give 10 to each of the kids and Jasmine got the $10 bill. I hate doing that but I think I've been pretty good along the way of getting everybody their money that they have come to them individually so the girls can wait a little bit before the mom can cash it it won't kill them. So I have the letters ready to go which I'll take down and post in the morning or maybe the night before I go to bed since who knows wat will happen with this chair by the morning ?

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