Monday, July 17, 2023

Very Warm Indeed

 Another super hot day that I'm using this excuse to do nothing at all except read my book which by the way, is getting close to being finished. I don't know if waiting through the first 500 pages was worth the conclusion but it isn't pretty exciting and to this volume. I'm not sure how much I like the writer maybe I'd read Clancy again if I was desperate and fortunately for me there are a number of Clancy volumes up in the library. So I'm covered either way. I do have a Stephen King to get into possibly two we'll have to see. So I'm pretty well set till the end of the summer I believe if the heat wave ever gets done which I know that it will, but going through it just never feel that's going to happen. But believe me it will get cold again and who knows maybe even snow this whole climate change thing is still new bananas and we're still trying to figure out how to peel the first one let alone the whole bunch.

Tomorrow I'm going into the city even though it's supposed to be a hot day again. I think I'll be okay as long as I carry water and have my head covered. I mean after all it's not really that hot even at its worst we're talking triple digit Heat but tomorrow there is a possible cold front pushing by which brings clouds as well as the possibility of some precipitation. It won't be much even in the best case scenario but certainly could be exciting with winds lightning and possible torrential rain. My biggest issue is within my wheelchair will hold up to the stress of travel in the heat. I'm having so many issues with parts of the chair becoming unbolted and such that I'm going to go over to ucat wheelchair shop to see if they can do anything to patch me together as well as I need to ask them some questions by my power chair won't charge. Because I can't get this chair going until I have something to ride around in when this one's not available. Why does everything have to be so complicated? If I can get those two items done tomorrow I will if deemed it a positive day.

I was a little taken aback this afternoon when I passed the bulletin board and there was a announcement for somebody to do the coffee on Thursdays that I thought had been doing okay at. Obviously not, but before I got all screwed up and hot or anything else about it I realize it's no big deal. It's my ticket out of that whole thing if I play it right I still come off looking relatively decent. If they don't like the one I've been doing let somebody else do it no problem to me. Just seems weird that I've been able to do that and if it wasn't doing it the right way why didn't they let me know. It's pretty dumb thing anyway coffee social. I'm really glad that I'm able to live here though it sure came in handy when I needed it and it's been handy ever since on all the levels. Personal transportation would have been nice but you can't have everything and that's okay too I get by just fine doing what I need to do.

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