Sunday, July 16, 2023

JUST Reading in the Shade

I kind of slept in today. Both kids had something going on out of town in other states even. So there was really no reason for me to go over to breakfast by myself. I slept until about 7:00 a.m. which is kind of unique especially for a Sunday I didn't even get up till after 8:00 a.m. which is when we usually have breakfast over at the restaurant. I indeed felt like I was skipping school. I thought about cooking myself a masterpiece but just didn't have the desire. I made my drink which actually has the peppers and the carrots and the vegetable juice that's kind of like a diet breakfast I would think. But that was about it I'm sure I grabbed a couple cookies here and there. I didn't take out the sausage last night like I wanted to which again is probably just as well because I really didn't feel a lot like cooking this morning.

T I'm really going through a reading phase right now. In fact after that pathetic breakfast I went out in the shade and read for a couple hours. I could feel the temperature increasing and realized it was going to be a hot day but that's nothing new right now we're still under the dome. I've kind of enjoyed the Heat this summer so far it hasn't been too bad on me but I haven't had to be out in the sun too much. I'll be going out this week to some degree I have to go in on Tuesday of course and I think I'd better get over to you Kat or whatever to see if I can fix this chair a little bit. To get to see somebody look at my other chair or find out another system to take care of me while this chair is in the shop. It's also complicated it's all driving me crazy just want to deny everything and read my books. Hopefully that's not a bad sign.

My older brother Ross calls this afternoon that was kind of a surprise for sure. I was getting kind of worried not hearing from him from sometime and I must confess I have not been the best brother either as far as calling him like I should. He seemed to feel like he was the one in the wrong for not calling. I thought perhaps he had died or something and I had got the message yet but he still functional but he says he's living on borrowed time which is kind of spooky but I can understand his point of view especially at 78 or whatever he is. Maybe he's only 76. Just having a problem with the VA medical system but who doesn't. Making all the noises that vets make when working with that system. He's got a lot of that Vietnam era problem as far as not feeling they've gotten the respect they should have gotten coming home from that war. It's a hard one to call no question about it. I gave him some ideas possibly maybe if you're going to contact the vet rep at his senators office or House of Representative person. They might be able to help him cut through the red tape a little bit the bottom line is just a giant Perkasie and nobody gets through there okay. I think a lot of the old World War II vets got along okay at least my neighbor did but he was a nice guy as it was so what can you say treat nice get nice I don't know. I watched the Harrison Ford movie this evening just for the fun of it. I've seen it a couple times before but still enjoy the whole premise. Good political stuff CIA nobody telling the truth and Harrison Ford getting caught in the middle of everything almost killed and doing stuff he's not supposed to do as a CIA reader and not a field agent. Always kind of fun.6 kind of excited about the next week. They're supposed to be a couple days of high probability of possible thunderstorms or thunder showers that always makes for an exciting evening and afternoon. Sadly it also means that the summer is winding down but once again that would be okay I'll get through it and then we'll be winter time again and Dark Nights and little days and enjoying each day that I have left

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