Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Double Trouble

 I have two CNAs, I think I've told you all that before. One CNA I had had me on Wednesdays and Fridays and the other had me just on Mondays. They give me an hour of service it's hardly enough to do but needs to be done and I think many times they go over the time limits but not by much. I love them both dearly and they seem to feel strongly about me going above and beyond their Duty sometimes to make sure I'm taking care of okay. Early in the summer the one CNA that had me on Wednesdays and Fridays was caught in a vehicular accident and broke her wrist and was not working at all and the one CNA took over which now I have her at three times a week. The other CNA who had the broken wrist has now recovered and it's anxious to get back to working more hours. And is desperately indicated that she'd like to pick up the other 2 hours that she was doing for me before the accident. The trouble is I've certainly gotten to enjoy the three times a week CNA that I have now who does a pretty good job of showering and dressing me. I wish there was more I could do for the other CNA which I do allow her to come over and clean up my place from time to time- - it's desperately needs it for which I compensate her fairly well. She seems to be holding out hope that I'll take her back for the 2 hours which I doubt that I'm going to do at least right now. I don't know how long the one CNA can survive but she seems to be a real Survivor pulling rabbits out of a hat that always impresses me. Still I hate to be put in this position that's why I'm not a good manager I hate making hard decisions for other people.

It was actually a pretty nice day for the last remaining days of the summer, I should have gotten out and done something but because the morning CNA come so late that when we're done it's like almost mid-morning and I spent the afternoon waiting for the other CNA to come and clean up my kitchen area- - and she does a great job. However I spent most of my day waiting for the CNAs. I don't know what I would have done if I did get out of the apartments. The only thing I could think of would have been going to the market to get some things I needed or think that I need to get through the next cold front which is supposed to pass through tonight bringing much cooler temperatures and rain tomorrow. Tomorrow of course the day of rains I have a meeting up the road a bit. About 30 blocks north of where I live. The bus goes right past the street so that shouldn't be too much of a problem. I would like to have gotten provisions for the rainy day but since I have to go out anyway maybe I'll stop and pick something up on the way home. After tomorrow, it's a fast moving storm, things should dry out for a beautiful weekend and the beginning of fall

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