Sunday, September 10, 2023

Simply Sunday

 I have still not gotten the definitive answer regarding the Box covert test I received at my door last week sometime. I just do not have that much interaction with folks here at the complex and that's my fault I totally agree. It's just I never remember to ask the question when I'm with folks. Hopefully tomorrow Jennifer the building manager / rent manager should be in and if so I can ask her and that will be the best answer I can get. If I do need to do the nose swab it won't be now until Wednesday because with Melissa tomorrow being here before Jennifer gets here I won't have the information. However, Jennifer does get into the building while Melissa is here and I can send her up to see if Jennifer is in station if she is Melissa could actually ask the question and if we are doing building wide nose swabs then I could get my nose swab tomorrow. There's also scheduled inoculation party next week to where they will be giving the new variant immunizations to covid. I can't believe I'm actually looking forward to this.

The day was quite a beautiful fall day and I basically squandered the day away watching Marvel movies. The morning was actually productive if you call going to breakfast at the local restaurant productive. It was not only Mark Anthony but also the kids Jasmine and Jackson. I think we had some great discussion and Good Times having breakfast. The kids never order a breakfast if they eat anything they just take bites of what might be on our plates like parts of scones or pancakes. However Jasmine usually has for coffee that's good. Afterwards, J&J came over to the apartment and cleaned! Jackson is so great he really sweeps the floors and then grabs the the mop thing- - you know that device has got the pad on the end and you squirt and it squirts soap on the floor as you mop. Can't remember the name of the device the Jackson gave it a great workout this morning and I sure appreciate the kids working on the place. Not only the floors but Jasmine put my table in order which hardly ever is done and worked on my cans in the pantry doesn't get much better than that I'm lucky to have the kids of my life.

I usually have just one meal on Sunday and that's the meal at the restaurant. The rest of the day I spend in some cases try not to have a bowel movement but another situations just piecing on food here and there. Like tonight when I started feeling hungry I grabbed one of the finger steaks that I cooked last night that came out a lot better than the ones that I ate last night which were the burnt ones. I have another steak in the freezer and I'm thinking of trying this operation again but this time just keeping the stove on low fry or whatever it's called and coming out with a lot better product at the end. The seasonings I used on this set of finger steaks was pretty good but I could certainly use more garlic and more salt and pepper. I really do enjoy having this much protein at fingers tips to snack on during the day. I wouldn't mind having something like a cake or cookies or something like that to snack on during other parts of the day on Sunday since I don't have another formal meal. Like chips to munch on or Peppers to snack on and that's what I do I spend some time fishing out peppers from my tomato juice pepper Solutions and that's pretty good enjoy the gazpacho soup type of thing. If I were to use crackers or bread sticks or something I could probably count a cup of that as a real meal just certain degree. Certainly Below in calories. As it is it's been a quiet Sunday and it's nice sitting in the apartment with clean floors and a clean tabletop. ..

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