Thursday, September 21, 2023

Three Event Thursday


Today was the first day which really felt like fall/coming winter and of course it's a day that I had pretty much the whole day booked one way or the other. I of course woke up way early probably around 4:00 a.m. and never really got back to sleep but surprisingly this lack of sleeve did not seem to bother me as much as I much as I thought it would remember only two instances of actually yawning today. Really on of course it's Thursday which means it's Coffee Day. I just show up anymore and that seems to be about enough. Someone puts the tables in order every Wednesday night and Marsha my friend across the hall has taken on the mantle of making the coffee but she does a pretty good job for someone who has never done anything like that before. Today's event was pretty well attended sound like good conversation was being had. Following that of course was my next meeting which was at 12:00 noon.

Today was a t Council or  assistive Technology Council, a watered-down version of the council's previous self when it was a big deal attended by all kinds of folks who either represented people with disabilities or agencies and organizations and companies that provided assistive technology to folks with disabilities. It was pretty much a state agency, and still is actually, but now just a few people show up mainly some folks from Logan where the program is based these days as well as representatives from the Independent Living movement in this area as well as a few other providers like the disability Law Center, Sheldon special Healthcare needs and of course the parent Center. All these entities have interests regarding assistive technology. Traditionally as far back as I can remember and the whole program started about 3 or 4 years after I came to town but they were renowned as providing one of the best hot lunches in government/private nonprofit Industries. They started going downhill a little bit when things started getting really healthy and they stopped serving meat with the meals as opposed to vegetarian selections. I sort of Drew the line at vegetarian spaghetti or ravioli or something like that. The meal smelled great but tasted like vegetables now I don't mind so much. Now it's a free meal. Luckily it was at the buff Myers Center and as I wrote about the other day it's just down the street from where I live 30 some blocks. It was a good meeting. I really felt like I was getting back in contact with some of my old colleagues. We had some good conversations and I felt comfortable representing people with disabilities in this group. I represented folks who worked for private nonprofits let's serve people with disabilities as well as being a person with a disability myself but I was employed with the state. Now I just represent seniors with disabilities and what assistive technology can do for them to keep them in the system. It was a good meeting and when we got out I had about an hour to get home to get to my next meeting which was Utah non-profit housing Corporation unphc. I've been on their Board of Directors for years in fact they own the building where I have my apartment now. I would have liked to have gone to the meeting in person but because of the prior meeting I just had to get home as quickly as possible and tune in over Zoom which I did. I don't make as many comments in this meeting as I think I should and right now I go to the meetings as part of my appreciation for them offered me a place to live when I was desperate for housing. I'll serve on this till they asked me to stop. I was late getting into the meeting because of the rain storm that came up as I was getting ready to go home and then waiting for the buses. Then there was the whole problem of dealing with the construction that's going on around my apartment and the buses won't stop close to my apartment but luckily I got a driver who broke a few rules and stopped relatively close.

The rain had stopped pretty much by the time I'd gotten back to the apartment but it was cold now with the cold front passing through. I realized I didn't have a candy bar for my CNA tomorrow so I thought about going over to the market but between the cold weather and some sprinkling going on and the construction I couldn't face it so I ended up going to the big service station type place with a small quick Market inside and got the candy bars for my person. I figured it was time to settle back turn on the heater and watch a Spider-Man it was a nice way to finish the day. Tomorrow I just want to take it easy…

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