Monday, September 25, 2023

Monday Moans

 I'm pretty tired, I had a difficult time sleeping I'm not sure exactly the reason possibly the trauma of nearly pooping my pants. Just worried that more and more of these things are going to happen as I age. I try not to think about it but seriously it's not going to get a lot easier. However, I finally got up around 6:00 a.m. as usual did my business got ready for Melissa and the day. It was great getting showered and dressed this morning. My stomach calmed down and I felt myself getting back to normal. Melissa was quite reinforcing by indicating that I was not having these issues sooner than I used to are more frequent than I used to. And maybe I really need to consider having some kind of floater come in that can help me do my bathroom on Saturday or Sunday and not deal with the stress and Trauma of these evenings or days when my bowel does back up and decide to release itself all at one time. I'm just Ponder this more. It could add $100 to my monthly account as far as bow and bathing goes but perhaps that's best it's money well spent as far as I'm concerned. What's crazy is the whole thing that if I could get on and off the toilet by myself I'm pretty sure I'd be right back where I was before the first stenosis when this all started going downhill. I know I could get myself on and off the toilet if it was halfway accessible but the way it is now it's not a doable deal. I must rely on my home health professionals.

My hood came today I haven't opened up the package yet. I may wait until Wednesday when Melissa will be here and we can open it up and see if it'll work or not. I can open up myself but I'd end up destroying the package and after speaking with Diane last night I think that I'm going to have to send this back and see if I can get the larger measurement. I got the second to the largest size but I think Diane's right I should have gotten the larger size after that just so I can be sure that it'll go over my bulky clothes if I have the clothes on and I'm wearing the hood. Silly as it is I'm afraid to open up the package to once again suffer buyer's remorse and not purchasing the right thing the right way. I just hope that the return process is as easy as some people lead me to believe. And again the national news folks over the years have had the number of stories about how easy it is to return items to Amazon or wherever and that's part of the problem is that they they too willingly take back sales items. I think I ordered like a 44 and I should have ordered a 48 or something if they have it. A lot of this predicates on whether or not the organization has these items readily. Seems to me the price on this item was on sale and it was $12 and I'm figuring that's worth the crap shoot even if I just absorb the hood and use it for whatever.

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