Sunday, August 27, 2023

Almost Missed

Once again I slipped up and let my weakness for television, Netflix specifically get the better of me and all the sudden it was 9:00 and I had still yet to blog. There were points in the day I could have jotted down a few notes here and there but I didn't. I spent a great deal of time reading on the sidewalk outside the window of my apartment, underneath one of my favorite trees.

It's Sunday so I really didn't do much today aside from my early morning breakfast with Mark and my granddaughter. This of course is one of the high points of my week I must admit. I enjoy the time with them and being seen with them and doing family type things in public. Not only does it satisfy my need to believe I'm involved in something greater than myself but gives me fodder to bring up with friends and acquaintances when quizzed on what I did over the weekend. I mean you can only tell people so many times that you butchered up a watermelon like it was a big deal – and it was a big deal to me. Cutting up a watermelon used to take me literally an hour or so and make a major mess and use at least 10 to 12 paper towels to stop up the watermelon juice which seem to leak out everywhere. Now however it's becoming old hat I have a method that I use and it's very simple- - a little difficult depending on how big the watermelon is making that first cut but once I've split the melon completely in two I can then put one piece away in the refrigerator under covered plastic and the other I cut into slices lengthwise to the overall melon which makes it much easier to remove the meat to put into a plastic container that I can use all week or until I'm out and harvest the rest of the watermelon. Now it's only takes three paper towels and hardly any water and I immediately place the watermelon rinds into a plastic bag which I immediately take out to the dumpster. The event takes about a half an hour and could be shorter if I really wanted it to be but Saturday afternoon I'm in no hurry and in no time I have a great treat for Sunday afternoon or evening.

Mark also made time for me this morning after breakfast came over and helped me put some order to my writing desk in the main part of the apartments. He's a great knack for putting the order to chaos especially the chaos of my papers and books and correspondence. I look forward to the next time he can spend with me on some of the other chaotic Nooks of my apartment. Sure feels good when he leaves to have the apartment look the way that it does.

It was hot today for August for the last of August. As I said I spent time out in the heat under the shade of a tree reading and napping. The rest of the day I spent doing my kid letters for September and yes there's a couple of adult letters in there as well. Just easier to to refer to home all as kid letters. I can't print them yet however I'm out of ink supposedly tomorrow my next shipment of ink will be here thanks to Amazon. If I have any Fortune at all I'll have the letters printed, enveloped and out by the first of the month. I am pretty lucky..

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