Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Expired RX Risky Business

 Finally, crazy Cameron called me back and again it was after 5:00 p.m. almost 6:00 p.m. and I just happened to have the phone on the table with me- - in fact I've been carrying the phone all day in hopes that he would call. The phone was not in Easy reach but I finally got it right before the last ring. So I'm set to have my chair picked up on the 9th of August this coming Tuesday that would like to have it done a lot sooner but I don't think that's going to happen. I was civilized I didn't tell him how big a jerk I thought he was he always sounds so friendly when you're talking to him straight on the phone. But I'm still a bit miffed it shouldn't be this long to get something done. I just hope I can survive in this backup chair until then. I've sort of developed a routine much of which is basically staying around the apartment I don't dare go anywhere just because I'm not sure the batteries how long they might last. I haven't even been going over to the market. There's also the issue of this raging bladder infection I think I'm going through. I felt bad that I had to miss my meeting yesterday morning and I think I'll have to miss it again on Tuesday next. Hopefully I'll have a working chair a week from today but you never know. That means if I get the chair back on Wednesday night I won't be able to get into it until Friday morning when Melissa's here. There is the possibility however I could call Melissa on Wednesday and pay her for coming over and put me in the chair we'll have to see how that works out.

As I said I think I've got a full-blown bladder infection. I'm pee in my pants every couple of hours I'm using the pads they work sort of I'm real proud of myself for not waiting the bed but I'm certainly not getting much sleep either. And again since I don't have a way to get to the clinic I'm on my own. Going through my cupboards however, I did find a whole bottle of cephalex which I think, if I remember right, the doc gave me a second prescription just so I will have to come in that's been over a year ago and that by best use date is almost a year past. So I guess my better judgment I started the regimen we'll see what happens. It's really obnoxious though and stinky be sitting in this little piss all the time.

Oh, and one last thing this morning as I was transferring from my bed to my chair I almost didn't make it. I think I had my chair far too back for a decent transfer. I thought I was really going to fall and probably have to call the fire department. However, fortunately that didn't happen it took me a bit of finagling with the chair basically folded it down to a laying position and then basically pulling myself up to a safe Zone on the chair and then securing myself in the chair I'm going on with my morning. I've spent much more time and physical strength and saving myself from precarious positions such as this but I just vexed how I got there in the first place. Then again hopefully when I get my new chair or my repair chair actually it will be safer to transfer them to this guy. I'm still scratching my head though and to what happened in the first place and we'll be hyper Vigilant tomorrow morning…

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