Wednesday, August 23, 2023


I don't know if you can tell but you see that blue cord sneaking along the wall that goes behind those items stacked up in the corner that blue cord goes to a power strip I have mounted on a little box next to my bed that I have all my items that use electricity in that part of the room located. My arm bike, my clock radio, my lamp, my electric bed and a couple of chargers most importantly the charger that I have to plug into every night to my power chair to make sure I have the juice to run around the next day. It's critical that I have this power especially my power bed cuz I use it to raise and lower myself in the bed which greatly assists me in going to bed then in the morning raising me up to a height that I can basically fall into my chair when I get up. So last night I was feeling pretty good because I was actually going to get to bed by 11:00 PM maybe even a shade earlier but just as I was adjusting something on my chair I don't remember what all the sudden the lamp went out and I was in darkness. Luckily I had my cell phone so I turned it on flashlight mode I thought sure the cord where the power strip connected to the extension cord had just come loose I struggled for a few minutes to get to it but it looked like it was okay I wasn't sure what was going on totally frustrated because here I was sitting naked in my chair and the bed won't work the light won't work everything was off. I finally in a fit of desperation called Melissa my home health person and just luckily she was still up in fact she just come in off of a long day of work. And she came over about 11:30 p.m. and Save the Day. She traced the blue extension cord to behind the clothes and sure enough they'll plug it come out of the the plug-in in the wall. She plugged it back in and I was good to go. I really I'm trying to figure out a better plan that I can do when this happens or somebody close close by that can intercede and save my bacon. I guess I should be just thankful that this didn't happen while I was in bed or sometime during the night or something and I was able to get someone to come and fix it immediately. I cannot believe how much energy it takes to be independent. I used to take my Independence so much for granted and now I guard it jealously and try to set things up beforehand that I don't have to rely on somebody or something else to get by.

The days are slowly warming back up again up into the 90s in a couple of days I don't think we're going to see any more triple digit days which kind of breaks my heart but truth is it's almost September with the days will work down from the 90s to the '80s to the 70s and soon fall will be here and it's glory and it's coolness. I need to find some clothes for the coming winter season. I need to find some clothes that are kind of dressy because I think in my new position on the board of directors for the Independent Living Center I'm going to have to be a bit more visible. I sure hope I haven't shot myself in the foot with this new position. 

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