Saturday, August 26, 2023

Saturday Found

 Yes I know the image is upside down it's me just being a little artsy fartsy as well as trying to protect the privacy of my granddaughter. I know that you just have to turn the page upside down but still it was a step. Besides it's just the first name I think she'll be okay. I pretty much wanted to highlight the effort and struggle she did in writing the letter. What a great document! I got the letter earlier in the week and actually I only check my mail maybe once a week nowadays since there's hardly any real relevant material coming through the mails anymore except that is from granddaughters. I was a little surprised to get the letter but then again not really she's been doing really well as far as answering letters that I've written to her which makes me feel good. I can tell from her handwriting as well as the way that she addressed the letter she's getting much more confident and it's taking some real finesse and her writing. Think she's going to do really well. I will answer the letter tomorrow or day after as I start drafting the letters for the month of September. Luckily, for me, this letter this September letter will be both answer to her letter as well as just the regular monthly kid letter.

I actually got out of the apartment today jumping the bus and heading north to the Smith's Market about nine streets up. I wasn't sure but I thought that I remembered seeing large cans of sliced pickled peppers and in fact there was cans of pickled peppers which I was able to get a hold of. It's kind of strange that I've gone through the can I opened up earlier this week. I best be careful I must be ingesting way too many pickled peppers but they're sure good. The amount I get in the 10 number 10 can is like 3 to 4 times what I would get in the middle size can and it only cost me $7. To me that's a deal it's a lot of work however dragging the can home and then opened it up and dumping it into my plastic container I got a few weeks ago and seems to be working really well. The only trouble/challenge I had was the horrible Construction which is being done on all the streets right now in fact many of the streets are blocked off with orange markers plastic things sticking up in the road like construction cones only bigger. In fact the drivers are not supposed to stop and there's no place to get on the bus if they can't stop at these cordoned off areas. Luckily the driver that I got this morning broke the rules allowed me on to the bus. You had to stop in traffic not being able to pull over to the side but he loaded me just the same. Only problem was he didn't lower the bus like he usually does which lowers the ramp which makes a softer rise. I got 3/4 of the way up in my chair stopped working luckily he was able to grab a hold of the front of it with me powering the chair at the same time we're able to get on to the bus. For some reason my chair is now shutting itself off when stressed too much this is something I have to look into if I ever get my other chair back. So it's been a pretty good Saturday so far it's about ready for bed. I don't know if we're having breakfast tomorrow Mark's been on the road all week attending his stepfather's funeral I don't know if he's been back for a while or what but I'll be up and ready just in case ..

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