Friday, August 25, 2023

Finding Saturday


Somehow, in my head, I've lost a day. I've been rolling around feeling like it's Saturday all day. A number oSomehow, in my head, I've lost today. I've been rolling around feeling like it's Saturday all day. A number of people have corrected me assuring me that it's actually Friday. I don't know why got this feeling of Saturday. So at least now intellectually I know it's Friday night, just watched some old films or shows on Amazon which sort of gave me a Friday night feel. Maybe it's because I guess I didn't sleep very well last night, I thought that I did, and I've been yawning all day looking forward to going to sleep tonight and that's not the way to live your day when you know that you only have so many days left. No this isn't the announcement of anything grim it's just that I have fewer days ahead that I have behind if that makes sense. So I didn't figure I was going to be doing anything today there's no movies I really want to watch there's no reason to go anywhere on the bus to spend any money and the only money I do want to spend is getting some weekend treats at the market which I did.

The most energetic thing I've done or I did today was over to the market for the sole purpose of purchasing the watermelon. I have really gotten into buying watermelons then butchering them up and put in the red sides into a plastic container in the refrigerator and being able to eat them whenever I want to. I'm finding for me that's the best way to eat watermelon and not lose a lot of it because you don't want to go through the regular roll of having to cut it off the major source the melon. I'm exhausted tonight so I don't think I'm going to do any cutting tonight but I plan to tomorrow hopefully. I've got to pull the plastic container for the refrigerator and wash it out to put the new melon in. I only use half of the watermelon the other half I'll cooked in plastic wrap and throw into the refrigerator have later next week. Maybe to celebrate the first of the month. I also purchase two ears of corn that I didn't get to this evening. I had a small steak which I cooked earlier this week and cut up into finger sizes- - finger steaks. And a container of rice that I got this week for Chinese food. I should have microwaved at least one of the ears of corn but as it were the rice and steaks and a can of pop was all I could juggle on the way to the television to eat while I watched the news. I have one steak left and two ears of corn that should keep me pretty well for tomorrow if I think I need to have more starch maybe I'll purchase a baker over at the market. From this juncture I don't see a reason to go to the market at least Macy's. If I do get a wild hair and I feel up to it tomorrow I may go over to Costco and get one of their huge bags of chips. It just amazes mqe that it's hard to find the old large sizes of chips the way they used to have them. I know they have them at Costco I almost got a bag last week but I didn't have a way to carry them home so if I go tomorrow I'll take some plastic bags with me so that I can hang them on my chair somewhere for the ride home and since I've got the melon I don't for see any large purchases before now in the first of the month.

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