Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Wednesday's Wonder

 Do you ever feel there's an unseen presence working directly against you trying to make sure that you don't get things done. I have been getting that sensation a lot the last couple days and trying to get the kid Letters Out by the end of the month. Everything I'm doing or everything I do seems to get in the way of the letters going out. Today was almost traumatic actually but I finally succeeded in getting the envelopes printed.

I was doing just fine I've gotten up got in my shower and stuff got dressed and decide to focus on getting the letters finished at least to get the envelopes taken care of since I had expended the energy to go out and actually get the envelopes I figured it was best to get those finished as soon as I could. I happen to find a couple of Rogue envelopes that got in a way here and there and I figured out at least get Mom Hughes letter out and maybe one of the other kids letter but of course the second the letter or envelope entered the printer it jammed. I just let out a sigh and tried to figure out how I was going to dislodge the envelope from the inside of the printer. I had learned how to use my other chair that could actually Lift Me Up High Enough to look down inside the print mechanism. Allows me to pull out pieces of the printer that had to come out in order to get to the jammed paper/envelope. So not having access to a raised device I was a little beside myself. But I decided I'd just go ahead and what I could and hope for the best. Of course trying to get to the printer now sitting as low as I am is a real challenge but I sort of found that if I pulled the printer away from the wall and down towards me I could actually access the area I needed. But wouldn't you know something happened I'm not sure if I inadvertently hit the joystick on my power chair and moved a little bit or maybe the printer just slipped but before I knew it the whole thing was on the floor. On the floor and unplugged two major challenges. So for the next 2 hours I struggled to get the printer off the floor and not break it at the same time. Of course tried to use my hooks to Loop something on the printer and lift it up but it was just too heavy and a couple times crashed off the hook itself and at one point broke some piece off of the printer that I don't know what it does but it doesn't seem to affect the machines ability to print. And it's not like I really knew anybody I could go knock on their door who could come over and pick up the printer. I was thinking my only option was calling Marc Anthony or maybe my brother Carl to come over.

I kept trying and trying and finally somehow I finagled the printer up alongside my power chair and was able to hook one of my hooks into the opening of the printer and lifted up high enough that I was able to grab the printer with my other hand and drag it onto my lap which totally surprised me. I scooted the printer back on the Shelf and next use the hook to grab the power cord. This was not as difficult as I anticipated it would be and I was able to get the cord plugged back into the printer and soon the black plastic monster came back to life. I quickly loaded the new envelopes into the feed and printed the two addresses in question out and the printer work just fine. That took but seemed like all afternoon. I finished the novel I've been reading the last couple weeks last night and I really wanted to get another book to read befor1e I went to bed so after I finished with my bike workout I drove my chair down to the Walmart since there was no place I could actually catch the bus because of all the construction. I got the book and a bag of chicken you know those roasted chickens they have at Walmart another stores at dinner time for like $6? I got one it was really nice to have food, real food for a change. Definitely worth the 6 bucks I think I'll do that more often. Needless to say I'm not going to get to the letters tonight but I've got one more day so I'm okay. Oh and during that time I folded the washed clothes. Not bad for a Wednesday ..

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