Saturday, August 19, 2023

Slow Saturday

I totally surprised myself at how functional I am for as little sleep as I tend to get. I can function pretty well on 6 hours of sleep and often that's what I get but last night I did my usual read until 12:00 or so and then go to sleep only to wake up around 2:30 a.m. with a full bladder or what felt like a full bladder. I drained and figured that would be good that I could sleep another 4 hours before 6:00 but I woke again around 4:30 a.m. with what again felt like a full bladder and I just couldn't get everything together to drain before I felt it was time to get up. You will remember that Saturdays have become my 9:30 a.m. mornings over at the coffee shop where I meet one of the folks here at the apartment complex or anybody else who wants to join us for coffee and we just eat on her for an hour or so then go on our way. I would really like to believe that if I didn't have to go to the coffee function that I would turn over and go back to sleep for a couple of hours but I know that once that clock hits 6:00 a.m. I just can't get back to sleep. Like I said I thought I was going to be dragging today but I wasn't too bad and I didn't have the midday Sleepy's like I usually get and try to take a mini nap by laying back in my chair usually out by my tree or someplace else in the shade to enjoy Summer's Heat and such. I really didn't do much of that today. I did take an Excursion over to the market and got a few things that I thought I needed to get through the weekend.

I think my main bit of excitement today was opening up my number 10 can of sliced peppers. I just had a few old Peppers left in the container I purchased a couple weeks ago that will take a whole can at one time. I placed the peppers that were left that were whole into a skinny plastic container that I can use to pull out for burritos and such freeing up the large plastic container for the number 10 sliced peppers. I have to admit I was excited once again as I use the handheld can opener with the crank and opened up the big can. I found that if I pour the juice in first that not only lightens the load at the can but cuts down on the spillage of the pepper juice, brine or whatever the liquid is. The pickled peppers in the can are good but not as good as the one brand that I've been using and enjoying out of the smaller cans. I hope to find the big can number 10 can of this other brand that I really enjoy. The pepper seem a lot more crisp as do the carrots. I also bought three large carrots. I usually buy a bag of carrots throw them in the crisper in the refrigerator then forget about them until I try to use them then they're all so grody and stringy I hate to use them but I will use them but for the same amount these big fresh carrots look like they'll do the job trying to stretch out my pepper money as long as I can with buying a giant can of peppers with pickled carrots and then adding the regular carrots for crunch and deliciousness.

Not much else is going on today no great thoughts and ponderings. There was promise of more monsoonal storming possibilities which never came to fruition aside from a few cracks of thunder and a flash or two of lightning but that's okay there's always tomorrow the freaky West Coast hurricane was supposed to make sure today but I haven't heard anything we'll see tomorrow ellipsis

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