Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Cough, cough, cough to infinity and beyond!

Once again I am in the throes of the full-blown cold. I made it to the night okay this morning dries up about an hour my cough degraded into “chain coughing”, you know that cough which starts out in the top part of the lungs but almost immediately engulf the whole system and you are coughing to the point of vomiting. Luckily, this distressed about go on forever at least for me there is a break that soon it all starts again. Of course, I cannot find my expensive cost medicine that I got last month when I was sick but luckily validate bottle which I bought almost a decade ago nothing else you like to meet as a psychosomatic tool to combat my respiratory distress. I just have to be sure now that I don't start guzzling the cough medicine and become addicted to outdated something or another.

Today was not a total loss. I took all morning to print out three letters to my kids. Seriously I started probably around 8:45 AM and drop the letters in the mail drop about 11:45 AM. Besides hacking my brains out I found that I have run out of printer ink. One more thing to spend money on. When this happens, thank goodness I have the option of going upstairs to the computer room where's a pretty nice printer available but first I have to get my items to be printed to the printer. In the past I've actually save the documents to an online accounts like Google Drive but I was in no condition to figure out that process today. I got a 60 Gig Dr. for Christmas that I have not used. It was a challenge to get the drive stuck in the top of the computer where the ports are at but eventually I did, saved the letters to drive and hustled upstairs (my version hustling leaves much to be desire. Of course once I got up there and into the computer lab systems I realized that I left my cell phone in my apartment and of course that is where I keep my list of names and passwords. I messed around a little bit and found that I could print my letters right from the hard drive. I did not have to open up a specific piece of wordprocessor. Like I said this all takes time and effort.

So I got them signed, sealed and mailed! I figured this was all I did today then it's a pretty good day. It's cold outside very cold following yesterday's snowstorm. It's not supposed to get above freezing all Day. I streaked out to the dumpster and deposited a box of spent catheters. Now, I hope to have the time to watch NCI S tonight and I guess that all depends on state of the nation which I am afraid will mess up the whole evening. Sorry I'm not feeling up to being a good little American tonight. About rather get lost in NCI S and go to bed and hopefully tomorrow will be less coughing…

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