Saturday, February 01, 2020

Zip,Crackle,Pop On A Saturday Night

On the Internet as part of a Facebook group which I believe is called History of Boise Idaho. It's a really great site allowing for anything historical regarding Boise Idaho – – my hometown. I don't really understand who actually runs this site but it's curated very well with a lot of great images being posted. There's quite a bit of activity from Boisians for all over. I even comment periodically. Like any public site as well as a few detractors but overall the folks who participate all seem to genuinely enjoy being part of Boise history. I'm quite amazed at how often new images are posted. It's a lot of fun. Anyway, I was most intrigued this morning when I checked them and found this advertisement for the old Aqua-Torium(A T).

The Aqua-Torium was a unique little swimming pool all enclosed! Which made it kind of an oddity southeast Boise. The best part about the pool was that it was just about a mile from our farm totally within walking distance. That is about a mile if you cut through various farmers fields. I was reading an article online or spoke a little of the pool's history. The pool opened up in 1957 I guess and went to 1963. In 1963 the place burned down I would been around 12 the time. It seemed glad I slammed their later than that date but the more I think about it more than that date is probably correct it just seems like I swam there longer then the pool existed. I wish I could find a photograph of the facility. What I have included in today's post is the advertisement probably in the Idaho Daily Statesman. My older brother Ross and I usually on Saturday night would take our allowance and hiked through the said fields to the swimming pool. The pool's kind of small but very cozy. It was quite fun having to the pool in the dead of winter especially if there was snow on the ground. Many times my brother and I were the only folks in the pool for hours of the time. Especially if the weather was bad like ice and snow we were the only ones there. It didn't matter how cold it was outside because we superheated after our swimming in the cold not bother as we walked home.

Perhaps the most memorable event I remember of that school was often crossing the fields of a farmer named Cross. I don't know whether it was legal or not but he was running a whole lot of current through his electric fence. He had cattle never bothered us. I'm sure that old farmer Cross didn't appreciate us traipsing across his fields but it was just closer. My brother and I would have to negotiate the life electric fence which ran the perimeter of the field about a foot away from the regular barb wire fence we would have to pull down and step through. I remember one night coming home and I went through the fence first got across and just as I turned so my brother magically get pushed to the ground. Somehow it made contact with the LiveWire in the current just threw him to the ground. I tried not to laugh that was more deadly than the electric fence believe me. Because I remember Ross, should himself off and we headed home not much was said about the electric encounter…

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