Friday, February 21, 2020

Personal Control

I've had more expenses this month than I anticipated and that's cool. I'm just going down on my account quicker than usual. I'm going to make it to the end of the month that's no problem, especially this month since it's February and that's a short month. Hopefully, March will be less threatening. Luckily, February is also the birthday month for me and I was sent cash which I'm trying to live off now till the end of the month which I'm anticipating the next Friday. I usually get my federal money couple days before the first, so you see, I'll be okay.

Luckily my home health person is also my cleaning person who usually comes in on Fridays for two hours is not coming in this Friday, today. Up until last month I paid her with cash. I always made a big deal of either going to the market or to the bank or to a cash machine at my community college just on the street to get the cash. I don't remember quite if it was a heavy snow are the illness that I came down with or both which stimulated me into using our writing a check. Annette said it didn't matter to her she was just divided to have the extra cash coming in. I was pleased not having to run out to get cash but, when I did run out to get cash I knew exactly what I was dealing with regarding my account. I noticed yesterday when I was checking my balances that Annette had been holding onto the checks for a couple weeks then put the checks through all once. And no, I'm not living that close to the edge but it did bring my balances down to a point where I can't feel nervous. Like I said it would be okay, I just have to not spend till the end of the month. Luckily, as I said earlier, I decided not to have Annette come and work two hours today. Fortunately, she is been contracted by a wealthy family to watch their senior member who has dementia for major blocks of time throughout the day. This is good money for Annette and I don't have to feel too guilty for requesting a break. We both feel pretty comfortable in the status of the apartment. I've been working very hard on trying to keep the place picked up, Dianne is also been very helpful in organizing and cleaning parts of the apartment and then with Annette vacuuming three times a week when she's here to do my regulars morning routine place looks fairly good. She will be back on track next week.

Today was beautiful at least in appearances, lots of sunshine. However, being out in the atmosphere was a bit of a challenge. I wore my nylon life preserver. I jumped the bus and went up to the dollar store. I got some craft crackers, an organizer for my countertop in the kitchen bottled water and some cookies all for under five bucks what a deal? I'm going to be okay all you have to do is get to the end of the month, February, a short month I can do this…

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