Monday, February 17, 2020

Headphones, Petula Clark, Corned Beef and Cabbage…

I'm pleased. Two hours ago there's a knock on my door and of course (silly me I always think someone is there waiting to come in) so I shout, as I always do, “come in!” no one comes in and then I remember my headset was supposed to arrive this afternoon. And sure enough I go to the door open a crack and there is the blue-and-white shipping envelope from Amazon. I'm sure there's some place in the country the Amazon rep waits for the door to be answered but not here. They knock on the door, like somebody really wants to see me, then must sprint out of the building as fast as their delivery legs can take them. They drop the package and run. I'm still amazed that it's been less than 24 hours from ordering my headset to it showing up, outside my door, on a federal holiday.

Part of me wants to drop everything I'm doing drag the package in, open and plug-in but, the more sensible side of me says wait. There is no hurry the package will be there in an hour or two. You don't want to the package to think this is your first time. Let the package cooled feels for a minute or two. I flip on the news and become terrified for a minute as I watched the people in the southern portion of United States get flooded out. Like an idiot, I try to put myself in their shoes, the second that I do that I terrify myself. What would I do? If the floodwaters hit here? Then I start perseverating what would happen if the great earthquake to happen this very second? I mean I watch all these natural disasters around this country in the world and wonder why I'm so lucky to live where I do. I mean when the big one hits everything I mean the land this post liquefy from 13th East West. I'm sure the fact that I live in a three-story building and I'm on the bottom means the building is going to pancake right on top of me the only thing I can pray for that happens fast and I'm not trapped sitting in my power chair totally immobilized. It took me a few minutes to a few commercials to get past that bout “stinking thinking”. I'm not sure if I'm totally passed that point even yet but at least I can function.

With dread I opened the package and sure enough there was my headset. I just knew I was going be sorry when I tried to plug it in something was not going to work y'all know me and buyers remorse. But, I plugged in and sure enough it's working like a champ. I'm totally pleased. It's really taken everything I've said perfectly so much better than before. On top of that, I can actually listen to audio through my computer through the headphones. This is a treat to some degree. I can to get spooked being cut off from my surroundings. I listened to my game that I play a couple songs from the Petula Clark, especially Downtown, I love that song in the time before 1966 motorcycle wreck which changed my life…

High point of my day not the headphones but Dianne dropped off corned beef and cabbage for the treat I'm in for…

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