Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Just Gimme Something To Do

My once weekly then biweekly and now whenever we generate enough interest meeting was called off this morning. Hopefully, looks like will have a full meeting next Tuesday. I really don't mind that much except for at least a pretty big hole in my day that I've got to figure out what to do with. It's sad that I don't have anything going. Today was pretty enough almost warm enough when I went out and jumped on the bus anyway just to go down between the college who hang out there for an hour or so. I wander through the bookstore. I always enjoy college/university bookstores. Great place for art supplies and of course mechanical pencils which I seem to have need to have all the time.

So Thursday, of course I have my coffee group in the morning of then bookclub in the afternoons. Thank God for Thursday's. Need to find a gig of some sort not so much for money (that would be nice however) but for time and self-esteem. It's nice to have somewhere to go. For some reason this last week I've been seeing twitter and Facebook postings regarding 211. As you faithful readers will remember I did a stint with 211 5 to 8 years ago when I was finishing off my career with the state. I don't know how much I liked 211 is an organization but I sure like the people at my pod or group. I am kind of amazed at how many of the folks are still at 211 in one facet or another. Sadly, 211 has still not provided an operator to answer questions on disability – – this of course was supposed to been the project I was involved with and bringing that expertise to the 211 operators – – I don't think 211 management will ever get this base covered. I think that they would not demand so much of me to fit into their group I would even propose volunteering my time, again not so much as to make sure 211 had its priorities covered as much as having a place for dual Mark to go to a couple times a week.

Having written all this, like the dog who catches the car is chasing was the dog to do with the car? Would I really want to be chained to a headset answering calls to which there are no real solutions or answers for. My strong skill set was to work with individuals and families of people with disabilities to try to think outside the box and to try to find solutions that were atypical. I don't know if I still have that skill set the spoon so long since I've used my skills however on the bright/dark side the resources that once were out there have totally minimized their availability. I'm afraid, that's what I would end up doing is being the operator to inform his poor callers there was nothing left for them. Again, having just written that I always thinks there's some kind of a solution maybe that's what makes me special I refused to accept the status quo at least in the disability poor section and I have the ability to inform the person there is no other option and figure out how they are going to punt. But I feel like Capt. Willard in the opening scenes from Apocalypse Now where he makes the statement every day he gets further and further from the action…

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